Led514 mentoring and developing employees assignment problem

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM132386544

LED514 Mentoring And Developing Employees, Jones college

Assignment 1: Module 1 - Case

The Principles of Coaching

Overview: Building the coaching relationship

The structure of the Live Case

Each module will follow this cycle: Plan, execute, report

• Before the coaching session, write up a plan using course readings or additional research as a resource (1-2 pages)

• Then meet with the coachee and use your plan as a guide for the session

• The bulk of the report is on how it went: successes and failures. What would you do differently next time? (3 to 5 pages)




What are your goals for the session?

What actions do you plan?

How will you know if you are successful? (1-2 pages)

Meet with coachee (45-50 minutes).

Report on the session. Provide a narrative descriptive summary of the conversation as it occurred (1 or 2 paragraphs).

How do you feel the session went?

Analyze the process and outcomes of your coaching.

What new knowledge did you gain?

What would you do differently next time?

Case Assignment: The first step in the coaching process is to build rapport with your coachee. This is where you establish a trusting relationship by demonstrating your credibility, helpfulness, and honesty. To build genuine rapport, you must believe in the potential of the person you are coaching - this cannot be faked.

Some excellent methods for building rapport can be found in the following readings:

• Building rapport: Establishing bonds (2014) Mindtools.

Assignment 2: Module 1 - SLP

The Principles of Coaching

Assessing Yourself and Your Environment

One common focus of coaching in organizational settings is to work with an employee to construct a personal development plan. In this SLP, you will be developing your own Leadership Growth Plan (LGP). The purpose is to have you learn the steps to developing such a plan so you can help others you are coaching to do the same, but also to come out of the class with a personal plan for your own development as a leader.

Why create a Leadership Growth Plan?

It is one thing to want to be a good leader. It is another thing to achieve it. Research shows that people who have a vision for where they want to go and then write it down and develop a plan to achieve it, are more successful than people who do not. An LGP is designed to help you assess your current skills and capacities as a leader, set goals, and make a plan for enhancing your effectiveness by acquiring new skills.

Information related to above question is enclosed below:

Attachment:- MentoringCASEnSLP1.rar

Reference no: EM132386544

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