Learning experiences that we retain as life lessons

Assignment Help Operation Management
Reference no: EM132080325

Open Experience Sharing

Real world work situations can result in some of the best learning experiences that we retain as life lessons. In an online environment it can be difficult to pass on things with informal communication to each other. For this discussion board, I would like for everyone to share their stories, advice and insight for being a good manager or leader. Sometimes it’s the simplest thing that can make the difference between a horrible boss and a great one. What tactics have you seen work and what have you seen fail? Any stories about great or bad managers and if so what made them so good/bad?

Some of the best advice came to me while I was in grad school. I had a professor (PhD from UNC) tell the class that he could sum up a four year degree in Management in one sentence. I still remember that sentence verbatim; “The key to being a good manager is for all employees to perceive that they are being treated equally.” While it seems simple enough, I have found it to be true in my experiences. Here are some more that seem like common sense but are missed often:

All managers should have an anonymous suggestion box.

Promote communication and don’t get upset when an employee gives you bad news. It will prevent the truth from coming to you in the future.  

Small things like appearance and the way you speak can set a tone.  

Always maintain a boundary between being a boss and a friend.

Proofread your emails, memos, and letters.

The customer is not always right but don’t get into an argument with them in front of other customers.

Reference no: EM132080325

Questions Cloud

Defines aristotelian approach to business : Robert Solomon defines an Aristotelian approach to business.
The ethics of internet research : Read the journal article “The Ethics of Internet Research” (Williams, 2012) and this week’s lecture.
Cycle inventory-what is the dollar value of this inventory : How many units of the part are held, on average, in cycle inventory? What is the dollar value of this inventory?
Businesses operate globally through various channels : The majority of today’s businesses operate globally through various channels. discuss how globalization has had an impact on business in America.
Learning experiences that we retain as life lessons : Real world work situations can result in some of the best learning experiences that we retain as life lessons.
Shortage costs occur when customer demand : Shortage costs occur when customer demand cannot be met because of insufficient inventory.
Managing the public sector : According to the book "Managing the public sector" explains that APA exempts interpretive rules and policy statements from its requirements for notification,
Telecommuting or teleworks is process : Telecommuting or “teleworks” is the process where employees work electronically from a location that they choose.
Challenges jenkins faces in her new position : What are some of the challenges Jenkins faces in her new position? As an advisor to Jenkins, what would you suggest?


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