Learn about the cultural norms

Assignment Help Mathematics
Reference no: EM131458246

Discussion Topic

Scenario: A business group from another country has offered to purchase a franchise of Sandwich Blitz. Dalman and Lei are very interested and quite excited for this opportunity for their business to enter the competitive international marketplace. A meeting has been arranged between Dalman, Lei, and three representatives from the business group to discuss the details of the proposed franchise. Dalman and Lei have agreed to travel to the business group's country for the meeting. They realize that this is a very important meeting because it involves networking with key individuals who will heavily influence the outcome of this attempt to expand the business. They also realize that the values and norms in the other country could possibly be very different from their own.

For the purposes of this Discussion, choose a country other than your own and conduct an online search to learn about the cultural norms, business and meeting practices, and values in the country that you select. (Cite your outside sources.)

Prior to the meeting, what are some things that Dalman and Lei need to know about the other country and the business group so that they can establish and maintain a good rapport and make the best of this opportunity to expand Sandwich Blitz into the international marketplace? Include information about greeting rituals and nonverbal behavior as they apply to the protocol for Dalman and Lei's meeting with the group.

Reference no: EM131458246

Questions Cloud

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Describe benefits of disaster recovery planning maintenance : You are the on-call systems administrator. Describe the benefits of disaster recovery planning (DRP) maintenance. Support your narrative with examples.
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Compute the forward rate evolution implied : Compute the forward rate evolution implied by Figure (this is identical to the preceding tree with B[0,3] =0.88).
Learn about the cultural norms : For the purposes of this Discussion, choose a country other than your own and conduct an online search to learn about the cultural norms.
Discuss about the discharged for off-duty behavior : Should the sales representatives of AEM be held to a higher standard of personal conduct than sales representatives for other types of organizations? Explain.
How the new application will require them to do business : How the new application will require them to do business. Each location will also need training to ensure that the users there can use the new application.
Development of big metropolitan areas : Explain how the continuing mobility of US consumers as well as the development of big metropolitan areas should affect marketing strategy planning in the future
Define risk-neutral valuation : In the floor let example, value the floor let using risk-neutral valuation and show you get the same answer as in the text.


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