Leadership plan to address financial gaps

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Reference no: EM133284948 , Length: word count:1000

As it is a continuation of the previous assignment. we have attached it here already.

Create a 10-12-slide PowerPoint presentation that communicates a leadership plan to address financial gaps within your organization. Use Kaltura or another technology to narrate and record a 10-15-minute audio presentation.

Note: You are strongly encouraged to complete the assessments in this course in the order in which they are presented.

To remain viable, health care organizations need leaders who can meet financial targets by effectively leading their teams. Whether you work for a nonprofit, for-profit, or government facility, financial goals and targets will influence your leadership priorities. These internal benchmarks, when considered with respect to finite, available resources, create leadership challenges for maintaining fiscal and clinical balance. You may recall a quote from Irene Krause, who started the idea of "No Margin, No Mission." So, regardless of what your corporate structure might be, all leaders must contribute towards the financial health and profit margin of the organization.

Demonstration of Competency
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

Competency 3: Analyze characteristics of effective team leadership. (L5.4, L26.5, L1.4)
Analyze evidence-based strategies of effective team leadership in a plan to motivate team members to achieve departmental financial targets within a health care organization.
Competency 4: Examine how financial forecasts guide organizational leadership. (L8.4)
Identify financial targets, including performance indicators and measurements, for a department within a health care organization.
Analyze gaps in financial targets versus YTD performance or goal attainment for a department within a health care organization.
Propose a leadership plan to close identified financial gaps for a department within a health care organization.
Competency 5: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with expectations for professionals in health care administration. (L6.1, L6.2, L6.3, and L6.4)
Develop a presentation that is clear, concise, well organized, and appropriate for internal stakeholders.
Before you create and submit your deliverables, complete the following:

Revisit the environmental analysis conducted in Assessment 1. If you did not conduct a PEST analysis in Assessment 1, consider the possibility of conducting one now to examine the larger industry context in which your organization's financial forecast is developed.
You can use the PEST Analysis Template [DOC] to help guide your analysis.
Select and identify two financial targets for your department, along with the performance indicators and measurements. For example: x% compliance with coding, 90% + rating for patient satisfaction scores (on a 1-5 scale), 5% profit margin for service line Y, and so on.
Look for professional or scholarly journal articles on characteristics of effective team leaders and strategies for leading effective teams. You will need a minimum of five articles to use as resources for this assessment.

This assessment has two parts.

Part 1: PowerPoint Presentation.
Part 2: Audio Recording.
Read the requirements for each part carefully.

Part 1: PowerPoint Presentation
Create a PowerPoint presentation you could present to internal executive stakeholders. The presentation needs to briefly and succinctly communicate your leadership plan to address financial gaps you have identified within your department.

Organize your PowerPoint slides in a way that makes sense for your organization. Be sure your slides include the following elements:

An overview of the environmental analysis from Assessment 1, with a financial focus.
The two identified financial targets for your department, along with the performance indicators and measurements.
A gap analysis of financial targets versus YTD performance or goal attainment. Include your observations, trends, and insights.
An evidence-based leadership plan to address the identified gaps.
Analyze the organizational culture and strategic direction, along with strategies for leading your departmental team that consider your strengths and are supported by credible professional resources. You may include team incentives such as profit sharing, or other benefits (tuition reimbursement, seminars, software, HFMA memberships, and other incentives) to motivate your team.
Include your leadership style, the method that you use or will use with your team, and inclusion of evidence-based leadership approaches.
You may choose to organize your slides in the following fashion:

Cover slide: Topic, course, your name, name of the organization this would be for, and date.
Objective: Example - "Leadership plan to support goal attainment of organizational targets." Customize to fit your needs.
Environmental Analysis (1-3 slides): SWOT analysis from Assessment 1 synthesized down to 3-5 bullet points with salient, high-impact, relevant points. You may also wish to conduct a PEST analysis to help inform your development of points.
You may wish to make use of the PEST Analysis Template, if you wish.
Related Scoring Scoring Guide Criteria:
Identify financial targets, including performance indicators and measurements, for a department within a health care organization.
Organizational Directive: Your two identified financial targets, along with performance indicators and measures.
Related Scoring Guide Criteria:
Identify financial targets, including performance indicators and measurements, for a department within a health care organization.
Gap Analysis: Actual versus target variance, followed by your observations and insights (3-4 bullet points).
Related Scoring Guide Criteria:
Analyze gaps in financial targets versus YTD performance or goal attainment for a department within a health care organization.
Leadership Plan (2-4 slides): 2-4 evidence-based recommendations, including your strategies for leading your team; your leadership approach; and methods, metrics, insights, and observations.
Related Scoring Guide Criteria:
Propose a leadership plan to close identified financial gaps for a department within a health care organization.
Analyze evidence-based strategies of effective team leadership in a plan to motivate team members to achieve departmental financial targets within a health care organization.
References: Include authoritative sources only. Use numbered footnotes in your slides. Follow APA format for references.
Related Scoring Guide Criteria:
Develop a presentation that is clear, concise, well-organized, and appropriate for internal stakeholders.
Other: You may certainly choose to add graphics and special effects, but these additions will not impact your evaluation either positively or negatively.

Part 2: Audio Recording
Related Scoring Guide Criteria:

Develop a presentation that is clear, concise, well-organized, and appropriate for internal stakeholders.
Use Kaltura or another technology to record a narrated presentation of the main points. Before you begin recording, you may find it beneficial to write a script or detailed outline that you can refer to as you record. Keep in mind that you will typically have no more than 10 minutes to present your PowerPoint and answer questions. The presentation you record should not be longer than 10-15 minutes.

Additional Requirements
Structure: Include a title slide and reference slide.
Length (Part 1): 10-12 slides.
Duration of audio recording (Part 2): 10-15 minutes.
References: At least five current scholarly or professional resources.
Format: APA format for references and citations only.

Reference no: EM133284948

Questions Cloud

What is the community model exhibited by the san diego pd : What is the "Community Model" exhibited by the San Diego PD? How does it differ from the "Professional Model"
Proposed health care information review of the quality : Proposed health care information review of the quality of care given to a specific population. Detail the proposed implementation steps and associated time
How non-verbal communication can give the wrong message : How non-verbal communication can give the wrong message to citizens and give two examples. The benefits and criticisms of developing partnerships with community
Create a visual showing a categorical relation : Create a visual showing a categorical relation that is negative between the police and the public. Develop a positive relationship with the public
Leadership plan to address financial gaps : Communicates a leadership plan to address financial gaps within your organization. Use Kaltura or another technology to narrate and record a 10-15-minute audio
What rights do victims have in your state : What rights do victims have in your state, under both state and federal law? Legally, are they all truly rights, or are some (or all) of them privileges
How should individuals who have been imprisoned for years : How should individuals who have been imprisoned for years for crimes they did not commit be compensated
What is the purpose of background checks : Question - What is the purpose of background checks for courthouse personnel? How often should background checks be performed? Why
Why the warnings are not required in this instance : Give one example of a situation not requiring Miranda warnings. Provide an example and explain why the warnings are not required in this instance


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