Reference no: EM131433447
Choose one of the following three quotes (cited in Bruno, 2009), and reflect on how it represents your perception of effective leadership in the field of early childhood education.
a. "Be patient toward all that is unresolved in your heart, and learn to love the questions themselves." - Rilke
b. "Hope is the thing with feathers
that perches in the soul
and sings the tune without the words
and never stops - at all." - Emily Dickinson
c. Celebrate "the beauty and allure of imperfection: the cozy familiarity of a worn-out pair of jeans, the rustic elegance of an old Italian villa, the faded splendor of well-used china handed down from your grandmother's attic." -Taro Gold
Your journal is an informal, reflective piece that does not require citations or APA format. However, if you choose to use resources, please cite them appropriately.
Carefully review the Grading Rubric for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your journal entry.
Chapter 16 of your text provides several quotes to stimulate your reflection on the topics covered in this course.
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