Leadership impact on an organisations effectiveness

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Reference no: EM133433084

A/615/2680 Organisational Behaviour - ATHE Level 7 Diploma in Strategic Management

Aim: The aim of this unit is to help learners develop an understanding of how organisational behaviour, structure, culture, motivation, creativity and leadership impact on an organisation's effectiveness and

Learning outcome 1: Understand leadership behaviour theory and practice
Learning outcome 2: Understand how organisational structures and culture impact on the effectiveness of the organisation
Learning outcome 3: Understand how organisations can improve employee effectiveness to respond to business opportunities
Learning outcome 4: Understand how organisations can motivate employees in order to improve their efficiency and effectiveness

Indicative Content

1. Understand leadership behaviour theory and practice

• Leadership versus management

• Leadership behaviour theory including personal leadership traits, trait theories (e.g. Allport. Eysenck Cattell), ‘great man' theory of leadership, contingency theories (e.g. Fiedler, cognitive resource theory), situational theories (e.g. Hersey and Blanchard, Vroom and Yetton), behavioural theories (e.g. role theory, managerial grid/leadership grid), participative theories (e.g. Lewin/Likert, transformational v transactional leadership, emotional intelligence).

• Working relationships and interaction e.g. power, behavioural theories, social constructivism

2. Understand how organisational structures and culture impact on the effectiveness of the organisation

• Organisational structure: Bureaucracies, Stakeholders, re-engineered corporation, modular, hierarchical, matrix, liquid devolved decision making powers, networked and atomised organisations, virtual organisations, line, staff & functional structures, formal and informal organisations, designing organisation structure, centralisation, decentralisation.

• Organisational culture: Harrison - power, role, person, task cultures, Likert - autocratic, benevolent autocratic, consultative participative, Mintzberg - simple, machine bureaucracy, divisional, adhocracy, Pedlar et al - the learning organisation.

• How structure and culture impact on effectiveness

• Leader as a change agent

3. Understand how organisations can improve employee effectiveness to respond to business opportunities

• Innovation and creativity

• Organisational culture: integration / interaction of disciplines and teams, attitude to risk, rewards.

• Organisational learning: The learning, learning culture, knowledge capture and management, technical knowledge versus experiential knowledge, technology.

• Measuring performance: Metrics, KPI, business scorecard, working in teams, group dynamics, teams versus groups, communications, collaboration and team decision making, motivation of groups.

• Change processes and outcomes: Changes (reorganisation, restructuring, merger and acquisition, downsizing), involving stakeholders, communicating and managing change.

4. Understand how organisations can motivate employees in order to improve their efficiency and effectiveness

• Motivational theory including Taylorism, Mayo, Maslow, Herzberg, McGregor, Broad theories (e.g. temporal motivation theory), cognitive theory.

Reference no: EM133433084

Questions Cloud

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Describe the relationship between narrow meaning : Describe the relationship between narrow meaning (literal meaning assigned by semantic rules) and broad meaning (meaning that is consciously accessible
Leadership impact on an organisations effectiveness : A/615/2680 Organisational Behaviour - ATHE Level 7 Diploma in Strategic Management - how organisations can improve employee effectiveness to respond to business
Explain has that issue changed since his time : Roosevelt wrote, "There can be no greater issue than that of conservation in this country." Do you agree? Has that issue changed since his time? Explain.
How to visually represent the teaching cycle : How to visually represent the teaching cycle? What is the role of assessment as the end and as the beginning of instruction? What are the 4 stages?
List details of the narrator conversation with the church : Which details suggest that the plague affects relationships with family and friends? What conclusions can you draw about the plague's impact on social ties?
Business management in global business environment : What do you recommend as the best ethical framework for U.S. business management in the global business environment?


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Strategic Management Questions & Answers

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Briefly discuss the following topics: Process Design and Analysis. Inventory and Supply Chain Management. Location and Layout Strategies.

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Describe how a company can ensure there is a good person–job fit when hiring a new employee.

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