Reference no: EM13935799
Assessment: Paraphrase Weighting: Word count: 400 words Details
• This assessment is to be written in essay format.
• After reading the 3 extracts, you are required to paraphrase these into an essay format response ?to the topic.
• Your paraphrased response must be set out in an essay format with an introduction, body, conclusion and reference list.
Part A Text 1: Text from a report to be used in your paraphrase assessment task The text below is from a report. You need to access the report to check the content of the text and the source of the report. Reference: Health Workforce Australia (2012). Leadership for the Sustainability of the Health System: Part 1-A Literature Review. Health Workforce Australia. Adelaide, Australia. Retrieved from review-012012.pdf Leadership exists at various levels of health care (governance, management and clinical care). A large body of research indicates that the quality of leadership affects people, their satisfaction, trust in management, commitment, individual and team effectiveness, the culture and climate of organisations, and ultimately individual and collective performance (Bell et al. 2004; Burke et al.2006; DeGroot, Kiker & Cross 2000; Dirks & Ferrin 2002; Gerstner & Day 1997; Kouzes & Posner 2007). Other factors such as economic stability, political agendas, organisational and industry history, and individual differences may also influence these outcomes, but leadership plays a central role in mobilising people towards a common goal (Avolio, Wlaumba & Weber 2009; Kouzes & Posner 2007). The importance of leadership in health systems was demonstrated by the findings of a study of 1300 hospitals across the United States and Europe, which found that well-managed hospitals with clinically qualified leaders produced a higher standard of patient care (Dorgan et al. 2010). Further evidence for the importance of leadership comes from health workforce surveys in the United Kingdom, which have shown that the higher the leadership quality of senior managers (as rated by staff), the higher the organisation rates in performance and the lower the number of patient complaints (CQC 2011).
Assessment 2 Part A Text 2: Text from a report to be used in your paraphrase assessment task The text below is from a report. You need to access the report to check the content of the text and the source of the report. Assessment 2 Part A: Paraphrase 2 Health Workforce Australia 2012. Leadership for the Sustainability of the Health System: Part 2-Key Informant Interview Report. Health Workforce Australia, Adelaide, Australia. Retrieved from informant-review-012012.pdf The text below can be found on page 20 We need clinicians to be better at leading, rather than placing more clinicians in formal management or leadership roles. The lack of engagement of clinicians in leadership behaviours was noted as a significant concern for the system. Clinical leadership, however, should not just be seen as only putting clinicians into management positions. It is about getting clinicians involved in decision making and giving them the skills to positively influence their colleagues by promoting innovation and change (clinically and in systems) and ways of working that support better clinical outcomes. Embedding leadership development in quality improvement, safety or lean health care training would go some way towards rectifying the misconception that clinical leadership is about placing clinicians in formal leadership positions and would promote leadership development as something that has the potential to support improvements in service delivery. Engaging clinicians in leadership and management development is vital because: • approximately 80% of the opportunities to save costs lies with clinical decision makers • issues that arise in health care are normally caused by a lack of leadership or management skills rather than a lack of clinical skills • senior clinicians deal with budgets and scarce resources • many very senior clinical leaders have little if any skills or training in leadership or management. A separate but related issue is the practice of selecting clinicians without experience or training in leadership or management for formal leadership/management positions. Text 3: Text from a journal to be used in your paraphrase assessment task. ?The text below is from a journal article. You need to access the article to check the content of the text and the source of the article. Reference: Nelsey, L., & Brownie, S. (2012). Effective leadership, teamwork and mentoring - Essential elements in promoting generational cohesion in the nursing workforce and retaining nurses. Collegian 19(4), 197-202. Effective leadership is central to the objective of improving nurse retention rates and reducing the turnover of nursing staff. Nurse managers play an important role in reducing staff burnout and the high absenteeism among nurses by ensuring adequate staffing levels and allocating appropriate workloads to nurses (Duffield et al., 2008). Nurses report higher levels of workplace satisfaction when nurse managers demonstrate competent conflict resolution skills, create a rewarding work environment, present a vision for the organisation, and motivate and inspire nurses at all levels (Duffield et al., 2008; Eddy et al., 2009; Frandsen, 2009).