Layoff is example of which type of turnover

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Reference no: EM132257403

1. The correlation coefficient between a selection test and job performance is 0. This means the selection test ________.

A) perfectly predicts job performance

B) and job performance are unrelated

C) has adverse impact on job performance

D) is positively related to job performance

2. Atlas Industries uses a test that was designed for selecting Engineers in their facility. They have gone further to show that the test will also be valid for selecting their support staff in the engineering department. This is an example of:

A) correlation

B) statistical significance

C) reliability

D) validity generalization

3. How dependably or consistently a measure assesses a particular characteristic is the measure's ________.

A) reliability

B) validity

C) standardized score

D) percentile

4. When multiple versions of the same test are developed to deter cheating, which of the following reliabilities is used to ensure the two forms are comparable?

A) test-retest reliability

B) inter-rater reliability

C) parallel forms reliability

D) internal consistency reliability

5. The extent to which items on a given measure assess the same construct is assessed by ________.

A) test-retest reliability

B) inter-rater reliability

C) parallel forms reliability

D) internal consistency reliability

6. If the items on an assessment method appear to show that a high score on the test correlates with performance, then, which of the following is true?

A) The assessment method's criterion-related validity is high.

B) The assessment method's construct validity is high.

C) The assessment method's face validity is high.

D) The assessment method's content validity is high.

7. Juan is a highly qualified biomedical researcher. Having recently completed his education, he applies to work at a pharmaceutical company which is renowned for its fast-paced innovation and aggressive growth policy. Which of the following, if true, would provide for a poor person-organization fit in this case?

A) Juan is interested in applied research that is likely to produce tangible results.

B) Juan has the tendency to be process-oriented and is risk averse.

C) Juan is a team-player and works exceedingly well in lab groups.

D) Juan is interested in making numerous breakthrough discoveries in the lab.

8. Behavioral interviews are more reliable and substantially better than ________ at predicting job performance.

A) structured interviews

B) situational interviews

C) unstructured interviews

D) situational judgment tests

9. A company that wants to deliberately make an effort for continuity in leadership or other job categories should start which of the following:

A) a mentoring program

B) succession planning

C) formal job selection

D) performance evaluations

10. An applicant is given a high volume of information, which includes several memos, informal correspondence, reports, and announcements. The applicant is required to work through the material by responding to each item presented. This assessment center exercise is called:

A) Written case analysis

B) One-On-One Role Play

C) Leaderless Group Discussion

D) In-Basket

11. Which of the following is true of at-will employment?

A) The employer, not the employee, can terminate the employee at any time.

B) At-will employees have a definite time period of service mentioned.

C) The employer and the employee can terminate employment for any reason that is not illegal.

D) At-will employment must be designated in writing.

12. BioMd, a manufacturer of high-end medical diagnostic equipment, made a recent job offer to John Phillips. Mr. Phillips left his employment in Seattle to accept the job at BioMd that is located in Philadelphia. BioMd then rescinded their offer because the company determined a need to eliminate the position. John Phillips’ best claim against BioMd would be:

A) Promissory Estoppel

B) Misrepresentation

C) Discrimination under Title VII

D) Breach of Contract

13. Processing a new employee's employment-related paperwork, acquiring necessary keys and identification cards, and establishing an e-mail account for them is part of ________.

A) socialization

B) orientation

C) attrition

D) training

14. In the selection procedure of a firm, an applicant must obtain a minimum passing score on two different assessment methods before being allowed to continue in the hiring process. What type of assessment plan is being used?

A) multiple hurdles

B) contingent

C) supplemental

D) bona fide

15. Earlene Gibson, the HR manager of BioMd, is planning to implement a socialization program in the organization. She designs a program in which each stage of socialization is an "elimination tournament," and a new hire is out of the organization if he or she fails. Earlene submits the program draft to the CEO for approval. Which of the following, if true, would be the strongest counterargument for the implementation of this plan?

A) BioMd has a strong R&D orientation and innovation and risk taking are the major values that the company promotes.

B) The management is intending to develop a homogeneous workforce that is highly cohesive and goal oriented.

C) One of the goals of the socialization program is to exercise more discipline and control in the organization.

D) The company is characterized by a vertical organizational structure and centralized decision making.

16. Software that allows you to maintain a database of both candidates and job information to facilitate finding matches between openings and candidates is a(n) ________.

A) applicant tracking system

B) resume screening application

C) balanced staffing scorecard

D) digital staffing dashboard

17. Which of the following is a competency required of a recruiter?

A) Uses advanced social media and marketing tools to find best active candidates.

B) Email marketing expert.

C) Networking skills.

D) Great organizer.

E) All of the above.

18. A layoff is an example of which type of turnover?

A) dysfunctional

B) voluntary

C) involuntary

D) avoidable

19. Which of the following is a direct cost of turnover?

A) Orientation and Training

B) Decreased productivity of employees

C) Advertising Costs

D) All of the above would be considered a direct cost of turnover.

20. Procedural justice refers to:

A) the perceived fair treatment of employees

B) the perceived fairness of a process

C) the perceived procedures that are used during a downsizing event

D) the effects of outcomes on affected employees

Reference no: EM132257403

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