Law of demand supply-government intervention

Assignment Help Microeconomics
Reference no: EM1367108

The US Postal Service is facing increased competition from firms providing overnight delivery of packages and letters. Additional competition has emerged because messages can be sent via computers. What will be the effect of this competition on the market demand for mail delivered by the post office? Substantiate your argument based on concepts related to law of demand and the law of supply.

Give two examples of actions taken by a company, government, or organization whose effect is to prevent specific markets from reaching equilibrium. What evidence of excess supply or excess demand can you cite in these examples?

Reference no: EM1367108

Questions Cloud

Information about incremental cost : A manager at strateline manufacturing much choose between twoshipping alternatives: two day freight and five-day freight. Using five day freight would cost $135 less than using two day frieght.
Private firms and government bureaus : Discuss how do government bureaus differ from private firms and explain why is there good reason to believe that bureaucrats will seek to supply more than efficient level of their output in any year?
Highly inelastic price elasticity of supply : Name three goods or services with highly elastic price elasticity of supply. Name three goods or services with highly inelastic price elasticity of supply.
Results from chart audits : What are some things to consider in regards to what action could be taken based on the results from chart audits?
Law of demand supply-government intervention : Provide two examples of actions taken by a company, government, or organization whose effect is to prevent specific markets from reaching equilibrium. What evidence of excess supply or excess demand can you cite in these examples?
Recognize possible use cases-actors to make use case diagram : Recognize possible use cases and actors, and create use case diagram for Personal Trainer information system. Choose one of the use cases and create a class digram.
Billing and coding methodology : What legal and ethical concepts are present in this situation that can influence the way you decided to handle this? Explain.
Calculate the values of the work interchange : Determine the values of the constants a and c and state the units and draw the path on a PV diagram also draw Path on the diagram and calculate the heat and work interchanges between the system and surroundings.
Concepts of elasticities : Groupon is a popular group purchasing and daily deals website. In a recent advertisement, a local restaurant to sold buffet vouchers at a steep discount on its website.


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