Latino american often misrepresented and underrepresented

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM133327293

Latino American often misrepresented and underrepresented both in front of and under the camera. American Hispanic often portrayed as lazy, unintelligent, greasy and criminal. Hispanic women often pictured comfortable sexuality as prostitution in film production; while Hispanic actors limit to criminal characters such as drug dealers, gangster, and provide the power for the white American. Audiences have less interaction with Latino in their real world might be easily framed by media images regarding the race and ethnicity. The lack of Hispanic history and culture understanding allows these media portrayals to change and form unfavorable behavior and attitude against Latino communities.

1. Regarding how Latinas/os/x have been portrayed in the media, how have things changed? How have things not changed?

2. What do you think has to happen for Latinas/os/x to be portrayed and play, for example, more positive leading roles in the media?

Reference no: EM133327293

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