Latin america economy has depended on commodities

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM133530186


1. Latin America's economy has depended on commodities since colonial times. What are some of the disadvantages on depending on commodities for economic development mentioned in the text? Name and explain at least 4.

2. Look at the picture of this week. Now, based on the picture and the assigned reading, explain why the idea that the wealth created from exporting commodities will "trickle down" to the poor majority is false?

3. According to the author, why were companies such as The United Fruit Company and the Standard Fruit so powerful in the so called "Banana Republics"?

4. Why is the coca, on one hand considered a "dream crop" and on the other it has an irrefutable "dark side"? Explain thoroughly.

5. Most Latin American countries still today depend on the export of commodities for their economic development, but Mexico not so much. Why?

Is what Mexico is doing a sustainable strategy for economic growth? Yes/No Why?

Reference no: EM133530186

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