Largest expense in implementing enterprise system

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133515898


1. Modeling a supply chain and optimizing sourcing and transportation modes is done by:

A. Supply Chain Execution Systems

B. Supply Chain Planning Systems

C. B2B Exchanges

D. Logistics Organizations

2. What is the largest expense in implementing an Enterprise System?

A. Software

B. Consulting / Support Services

C. Hardware

D. Networks

3. The "Richness" of the Internet allows one to:

A. Reach diverse customers

B. Make more money

C. Leverage Standard Technology to reach customers

D. Deliver messages with text, audio and video to a large audience

4. Supply Chain operations that use the Internet are an example of

A. C2C ecommerce.

B. B2C ecommerce

C. B2B ecommerce

D. P2P ecommerce

5. For a Transaction Block to be accepted into a BlockChain

A. A Bitcoin must be created

B. The Chain Master must approve it

C. Payment must be made in full

D. All parties in the network must approve i

6. The Digital Wallet refers to:

A. An IOT device that monitors how much money is in your wallet

B. An online security program for you credit cards

C. A mobile payment system

D. Online tracking of all of your expenses versus your budget

7. Cryptocurrency

A. Is used to send secure messages

B. Is used only for dark web transactions

C Has no intrinsic value

D. Is backed by national banks

8. Predictive Analytics can be used to:

A. Predict how quickly your SCM system will become obsolete.

B. Predict how customers will respond to a market action such as a price increase.

C. Predict who will become disintermediated

D. Predict what CRM system will best fit your needs

9. Business Simulations use real data to:

A. Identify patterns and relationships

B. Project results from hypothetical strategies

C. Simulate the workings of the human brain

D. Run plant floor systems

10. The Internet of Things provides:

A. Smarter Buildings

B. More Automation and Control

C. Real time Situational Awareness

D. All of the above

11. Which of the following use Fuzzy Logic?

A. Expert Systems

B. Neural Networks

C. Internet Searches

D. All of the above

Reference no: EM133515898

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