Reference no: EM131135084
Final Project Overview (due in week seven)
When students hear that they have to write a large research paper, that news is often followed by anxiety and trepidation. In this course, however, we will be working toward that large research paper step-by-step throughout the entire eight weeks of the course. Through this course, you will have the opportunity to ask questions; receive feedback; and draw on the opinions, experiences, and expertise of your fellow students and your professor so that you can better assemble the best paper you can in the time we have together.
Please take the time to review the following documents to make sure the final version of your paper aligns to these requirements.
- Conceptualizing the Paper
- Grantham University Soft Skills Rubric
In addition, please review the paper requirements listed below to ensure you craft your paper in a way that will cover everything.
Requirements of the Paper
- Your paper should be at least 4000 words long (this can range anywhere between 12-15 pages or more).
- The paper should have at least 10 cited resources within the paper. At least six (6) of these resources must be peer-reviewed library resources.
- Your paper must combine information from two different disciplines - preferably disciplines you've taken at least one class in during your college career.
- Your paper must be in APA format, using the 6th edition of the APA Publication Style Guide.
- All information drawn from external sources must be cited properly, both within the text of your essay and in a references page.
5Self-Evaluation of Your Paper
The following topic(s) will demonstrate what the discussion is about, but feel free to branch off or expand on the topics. At the end of the discussion, you will be asked to craft a 150 word reflection on what you have learned through this conversation and post it to the Weekly Reflection Journal. The more active you are in this part of the discussion, the more you will have to draw from in your reflection, so get involved, be active, help out your classmates when they need it, and, most of all, enjoy the conversation.
Using the checklist on p. 130 of the text, evaluate your first draft. Discuss the strengths and weaknesses you found regarding your own writing and how you plan to build upon and/or improve what you discovered. Please respond (or give advice) to at least two of your peers.
5Reflection Journal
This week, through our work, we are moving closer to assembling our research project, and we are practicing the habit of self-evaluating our work. Additionally, we have begun to explore the following course outcomes:
- Analyze extensive research data
- Articulate research findings in a concise, comprehensive report
- Consider ethical, social, cultural, and diversity-related implications of the topic
In this reflection journal, in at least 150 words, reflect back on what you have learned so far through the course readings, assignment (if you've completed it yet), and our discussion. Consider the following questions to guide your reflection:
- What, if anything, did you find surprising, particularly challenging, interesting, or useful?
- From what you know about this course so far, what connections can you make to previous learning experiences, and how do you think this course will help you as you move forward in your college and professional life?
- How do the course outcomes for this week apply to your experience so far?
- What questions do you still need answered?
5First Draft
This week, you will be posting the first draft of your course paper. While you should consider this draft to be a work in progress, you should take great effort in preparing the best draft you can create. The more complete your work, the better comments you will receive, and these comments will help you craft a much more effective course paper. Make sure you follow APA guidelines for formatting and citations, and refer to the following criteria to construct your draft.
Please take the time to review the following documents to make sure the final version of your paper aligns to these requirements.
- Conceptualizing the Paper
- Grantham University Soft Skills Rubric
In addition, please review the paper requirements listed below to ensure you craft your paper in a way that will cover everything.
Requirements of the Paper
- Your paper should be at least 4000 words long (this can range anywhere between 12-15 pages or more).
- The paper should have at least 10 cited resources within the paper. At least six (6) of these resources must be peer-reviewed library resources.
- Your paper must combine information from two different disciplines - preferably disciplines you've taken at least one class in during your college career.
- Your paper must be in APA format, using the 6th edition of the APA Publication Style Guide.
- All information drawn from external sources must be cited properly, both within the text of your essay and in a references page.
6 Enhancing the Paper
The following topic(s) will demonstrate what the discussion is about, but feel free to branch off or expand on the topics. At the end of the discussion, you will be asked to craft a 150 word reflection on what you have learned through this conversation and post it to the Weekly Reflection Journal. The more active you are in this part of the discussion, the more you will have to draw from in your reflection, so get involved, be active, help out your classmates when they need it, and, most of all, enjoy the conversation.
Having written the first draft of your paper (and using the article review worksheet completed in W3), please discuss the following issues related to your topic:
- What are some potential ethical issues that must be considered?
- How might this issue impact different communities from diverse perspectives? (For example, are there differences based on age, gender, economics, political, ethnic, religious, educational or geographic?) Please respond to at least two of your peers.
6Reflection Journal
This week, through our work, we are looking at ways we can make our work better through the revision process. Additionally, we have begun to explore the following course outcomes:
- Articulate research findings in a concise, comprehensive report
- Combine two specialized areas of expertise with a well-rounded understanding of the sociological and cultural implications of the specialized knowledge
In this reflection journal, in at least 150 words, reflect back on what you have learned so far through the course readings, assignment (if you've completed it yet), and our discussion. Consider the following questions to guide your reflection:
- What, if anything, did you find surprising, particularly challenging, interesting, or useful?
- From what you know about this course so far, what connections can you make to previous learning experiences, and how do you think this course will help you as you move forward in your college and professional life?
- How do the course outcomes for this week apply to your experience so far?
- What questions do you still need answered?
6Second Draft of the Paper
Using feedback received to date from your professor, fellow classmates, and anyone else with whom you have shared your work, revise your paper and post the second draft to this week's drop box (use the tips from this week's lecture to ensure you are revising and not simply proofreading).
You should continue to consider this draft as a work in progress, but your paper should include clear, substantial improvements from the first draft you submitted last week. Please note, your grade this week relies on improvements you have made to your first draft. Do not simply turn in the draft you submitted last week, as that cannot be accepted for credit.
Additionally, make sure you take great effort in preparing the best draft you can create. The more complete your work, the better comments you will receive, and these comments will help you craft a much more effective course paper.
Make sure you follow APA guidelines for formatting and citations, and refer to the following criteria to construct your draft.
Please take the time to review the following documents to make sure the final version of your paper aligns to these requirements.
- Conceptualizing the Paper
- Grantham University Soft Skills Rubric
In addition, please review the paper requirements listed below to ensure you craft your paper in a way that will cover everything.
Requirements of the Paper
- Your paper should be at least 4000 words long (this can range anywhere between 12-15 pages or more).
- The paper should have at least 10 cited resources within the paper. At least six (6) of these resources must be peer-reviewed library resources.
- Your paper must combine information from two different disciplines - preferably disciplines you've taken at least one class in during your college career.
- Your paper must be in APA format, using the 6th edition of the APA Publication Style Guide.
- All information drawn from external sources must be cited properly, both within the text of your essay and in a references page.