Large numbers of randomly selected cases

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Reference no: EM13823005

1) In general how many interviews should be included in a qualitative study?

A. At least five interviews

B. As many as you can conduct in the time and space available

C. Until data saturation is reached

D. At least 20 interviews

2) Feminism, ethnocentricism, Marxism, and cultural studies have all emerged from what epistemology and ontology?

A. Material-realist ontology and subjectivist epistemology

B. Material-realist ontology and objective epistemology

C. Relativist ontology and objective epistemology

D. Relativist ontology and subjectivist epistemology

3) Which approach toward data is more aligned with qualitative research?

A. Emic science that is idiographic and case-based

B. Etic science that is idiographic and case-based

C. Emic science based on probabilities and large numbers of randomly selected cases

D. Etic science based on probabilities and large numbers of randomly selected cases

4) The systematic examination and interpretation of a data set, to identify patterns, biases, themes, and or meanings is:

A. Coding

B. Content analysis

C. Analytic induction

D. All of the above

5) What qualitative design seeks to move beyond detail and description to generate or discover a theory?

A. Grounded Theory

B. Ethnography

C. Phenomenology

D. Narrative

E. Case study

6) In a qualitative study, which of the following is mostly likely to appear as an outcome of the study?

A. Plot and scatter graph

B. Pie graph

C. Narrative or essay

D. Scientific report

7) Which is not an appropriate outcome of a focus group interview:

A. Generating research hypotheses for further investigation via quantitative approaches

B. Generalizing interview results across a population

C. Re-interpreting previously collected qualitative data and results

D. Obtaining general or background information on a topic of interest

8) The primary means of data collection in an ethnography include:

A. Observation

B. Critical review of documents

C. Focus groups

D. Individual interviews

9) Within qualitative research the primary instrument for data collection is typically...?

A. A survey

B. A model

C. A tape recorder

D. The researcher

10) Which social science is a not researchable using qualitative method?

A. Anthropology

B. Sociology

C. Psychology

D. Philosophy

E. Education

F. They are all researchable using qualitative methods

11) What qualitative design seeks to study culture by identifying and analyzing the shared patterns and behaviours within a community?

A. Grounded Theory

B. Ethnography

C. Phenomenology

D. Narrative

E. Case study

12) What qualitative design seeks to describe the meaning for several individuals of their lived experiences of a concept or a phenomenon?

A. Grounded Theory

B. Ethnography

C. Phenomenology

D. Narrative

E. Case study

13) Which of the following is NOT a legitimate perspective for an observer collecting qualitative data?

A. Complete participant

B. Participant observer

C. Observer as participant

D. Complete observer

E. They are all legitimate perspectives

14) Which of the following is NOT a realistic level of measure in doing qualitative content analysis?

A. Word

B. Utterance

C. Concept

D. Syllable

15) What qualitative design generally uses both open coding and axial coding to develop theoretical codes or themes?

A. Grounded Theory

B. Ethnography

C. Phenomenology

D. Narrative

E. Case study

16) Which unit of analysis does not align to qualitative inquiry:

A. Studying the shared experience of several individuals

B. Studying the shared culture of a group

C. Studying the effects of drug delivered to one group and not another

D. Studying one or more individuals

17) This is the term for referring to the entire process of research from conceptualization to reporting:

A. Research study

B. Research sample

C. Research design

D. Research methodology

E. Research methods

18) Which of the following is NOT a common form of data in qualitative research?

A. Descriptive statistics

B. Interview transcripts

C. Word counts

D. Observational field notes

19) Which is of the following is NOT a method for validating a qualitative study?

A. Clarifying researcher bias

B. Cronbach's Alpha

C. Negative case analysis

D. Peer review or member checking

E. External Audits

20) This type of research leads toward researchers choosing between alternatives and making value-laden judgments of meanings, in an effort to challenge research, policy, and other forms of human activity:

A. Critical studies

B. Phenomenology

C. Grounded theory

D. Case study

21) From a constructivist paradigm, what criteria are used to judge the rigor of a research study?

A. Trustworthiness

B. Transferability

C. Generalizability

D. Reliability and validity

E. Both A & B

22) What qualitative design involves the exploration of an issue through one or more cases within a bounded system (i.e., a defined setting and context)?

A. Grounded Theory

B. Case study

C. Phenomenology

D. Ethnography

E. Narrative

23) What outcome is more relevant to a qualitative researcher?

A. Thick, rich description

B. Generalizability of study results

C. Group mentality

D. Group think

24) Which technique or approach is most likely to occur during analysis of qualitative data?

A. Structural equation modeling

B. Regression analysis

C. Concept mapping

D. Structural analysis

E. Both A & B

F. Both C & D

G. Both B & D

25) From a positivist/post-positivist paradigm, what criteria are used to judge the rigor of a research study?

A. Transferability

B. Trustworthiness

C. Credibility

D. Confirmability

E. Research Reliability and validity

Reference no: EM13823005

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