Large influx of early childhood learners

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Reference no: EM133611772


In recent years, Marjorie Mitchell has seen a large influx of early childhood learners with special needs arrive in her classroom. She has found the principles of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) especially useful in meeting individual student needs. When assessing student progress, she relies on UDL principles which:

Reference no: EM133611772

Questions Cloud

Based on your research and understanding of trends : Based on your research and understanding of trends in your geographic area, what is your opinion of the way that de-escalation techniques are currently used
Reviewed several memory phenomena and principles : This learning module reviewed several memory phenomena and principles. The phenomena show examples of factors that can improve and/or interfere with memory.
Being in good health and having a partner : Being in good health and having a partner are: unrelated to higher levels of sexual activity for older women and men.
Document your stream of consciousness : Take 20 minutes and document your stream of consciousness. Just write whatever comes into your mind for this period.
Large influx of early childhood learners : Marjorie Mitchell has seen a large influx of early childhood learners with special needs arrive in her classroom.
Watching his own life unfold from adistance : Rachid, a 30-year-old man, frequently experiences episodes where he feels like he is watching his own life unfold from adistance.
Perception of colleagues affect communication : How can the perception of colleagues affect communication with other colleagues in the ECE setting and how can you address it?
Bernard an infant has begun to show basic emotions : Bernard, an infant, has begun to show basic emotions such as surprise, fear, and anger.
Licensed professional counselor working at community agency : Marcos is a licensed professional counselor working at a community agency. He specializes in addiction counseling. Dave is one of Marcos's clients.


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