Large community events require communication

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Reference no: EM133141939

Large community events require communication and collaboration across multiple agencies for a safe and secure experience for the public.

What organizations are charged with handling large special events (sporting, concerts, performances, etc.) in your area, and how do they communicate with each other to coordinate safety and security at these events?

What operational and communication protocols would change if the large special event in your area did not have security preplanned and an emergency were to take place?

Reference no: EM133141939

Questions Cloud

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Human resources in public organizations : Discuss the contributions to the "human side of enterprise" as articulated by Elton Mayo, Chester Barnard, Abraham Maslow, and Douglas McGregor.
Large community events require communication : Large community events require communication and collaboration across multiple agencies for a safe and secure experience for the public
Applying national incident management processes : Explain how the different governmental organizations worked together and communicated regarding the incident. Describe the venue and event you have selected.
Provides alternative to incarceration : Conduct an internet search for a juvenile program in your city or state that provides an alternative to incarceration.
Criminal profiling hinder advancements in emerging field : How do the contradiction and disagreement within the field of criminal profiling hinder advancements in this emerging field?
Undergraduate degree in criminal justice : You are a police officer and you've just obtained your undergraduate degree in Criminal Justice, say you are applying for your Masters program.


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