Labour market outcomes of the native workforce

Assignment Help Macroeconomics
Reference no: EM133237124

Australia was one of few countries to pursue a zero-COVID "suppression" strategy until late 2021, meaning it aimed to minimise domestic community transmission. Implementation involved strict controls on international arrivals and responding to local outbreaks with lockdowns and exhaustive contact tracing of domestic COVID-19 clusters. Australian borders were closed to all non-residents on 20 March 2020, and returning residents were required to spend two weeks in supervised quarantine hotels from 27 March 2020. Finally on 21 February 2022 border restrictions were removed for all vaccinated people, including non- citizens such as tourists and new immigrants, effectively opening Australia up to the world. As a result of these government responses, there has not been any immigration into  Australia from other countries whether they are skilled workforce from the developed world or the unskilled workers from the developing world. In this essay question, ignoring the other labour market impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic, using your critical thinking skills briefly assess the potential impacts of the Australian border closure on the labour market outcomes of the native workforce according to the theoretical models of immigration studied in this unit.

Reference no: EM133237124

Questions Cloud

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Labour market outcomes of the native workforce : Australia was one of few countries to pursue a zero-COVID "suppression" strategy until late 2021, meaning it aimed to minimise domestic community transmission.
What is the instructional hierarchy : Make a brief presentation on how you might use the instructional hierarchy to inform your practices in your classroom.
What attributes or traits that you think should be shared : What attributes or traits that you think should be shared among all employees, especially to encourage innovation
Describe some non-financial measures : Question - Describe some non-financial measures that should be considered and are important to the success of an organization
Explain inputs of production levels : As result of the negative supply shock to its labour market, this competitive firm will use less of both workers and capital relative to the inputs of productio


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