Reference no: EM132400506
Unit L/615/2702 - Managing Continuous Organisational Improvement
Level 7
ATHE Level 7 Diploma in Management 603/0629/4
ATHE Level 7 Extended Diploma in Management 603/0630/0
You are employed in the Human Resources Department at the head office of a national chain of retailers. There is a highly competitive and evolving business environment for high street stores. In his introductory letter to staff the new CEO has identified the need for improvements and changes, so that the organisation continues to retain market share and be profitable.
The CEO has created a number of staff teams from across the organisation to consider the changes that are required and you have been invited to join Team A. This team will report to the Director of Operations and you are keen to do well. You know that successfully managing changes are crucial, as this will support the achievement of strategic and operational objectives and help the organisation to succeed. It is claimed that up to 60% of change programmes do not achieve the targeted outcomes and failure to do so can be costly. It is therefore crucial to get all parts of the change process right.
Task 1
The Director of Operations has called a meeting of his team which will focus on how organisations create a culture of continuous improvement and acceptance of change. You need to be prepared for the discussion and decide to produce detailed notes which:
• describe the features of organisational culture that encourage and allow for continuous improvement
• analyse approaches that facilitate the introduction and acceptance of change
• evaluate different approaches to continuous quality improvement.
Extension activities:
To gain a merit grade you must also:
• Evaluate how leadership and management styles facilitate continuous improvement in organisations and help to embed change.
• Assess the importance of continuous improvement in supporting organisational success.
Task 2
Following the meeting you have been given a task to complete which considers information sources that assist the identification of opportunities to make improvements to organisational practice. This will require you to use examples to illustrate the points which you make, although the examples do not need to be limited to retailing. You need to produce a briefing paper which will be sent to members of the team. The paper must:
• analyse the sources of information used by organisations to help identify any improvements which are needed
• explain the meaning of Big Data and evaluate its contribution to improvement strategies which organisations create.
Extension activities:
To gain a merit grade you must produce an additional section in the paper which focuses on a specific organisation you have chosen. In this section you must:
• review information and identify areas for improvement in the organisation.
Extension activities:
To gain a distinction grade you must produce an additional section to the paper where you:
• evaluate the potential benefits to a chosen organisation of the proposed changes in activities.
Task 3
A progress update and feedback session has been planned for Team A and each member of the team has been allocated a task which will contribute to the agenda. The agenda item you have been given is ‘Planning Change for Organisational Improvement' and you are required to produce information for a named organisation of your choice. This will be used as an exemplar at the meeting. You decide to:
• prepare a presentation which explains the changes required by the chosen organisation in order to achieve improvements
• produce a handout for delegates at the meeting where you evaluate the factors that created the need for change in this organisation
• prepare a plan which will implement the proposed improvements for the organisation.
Extension activities:
To gain a merit grade you must produce an additional handout which:
• analyses the monitoring processes required to ensure the changes lead to the planned improvements.
Attachment:- Managing Continuous Organisational.rar