Knowledge you have gained from the reading assignments

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM131522355

In this Assignment, you will be using knowledge you have gained from the Reading assignments in your textbook. You can also use the Kaplan Online Library and other scientifically-based sources to support your assignment. Please keep in mind that Wikipedia is not considered a reliable resource.

Conduct research to determine the common fuel sources, emissions, and regulations of a country of your choice and create a PowerPoint presentation designed to educate your classmates.

  1. Define fossil fuels, non-renewable resources and alternative energy.
  2. Identify a country that uses a fossil fuel as its primary source of emissions.
  3. Discuss why the country continues to rely on fossil fuels.
  4. Provide examples of manufactured products or agriculture that are dependent upon fossil fuel use in that country.
  5. Discuss both the local and global impacts of the continued use of fossil fuels. Remember to reflect on the environment, human health and financial concerns in both the long- and short-term.
  6. What regulations has the country put in place to reduce or control emissions or air pollution? How effective have these regulations been?
  7. Describe what solutions or new regulations you would implement in order to reduce fossil fuel usage in this country?
  8. Global efforts are being made to reduce fossil fuel usage and pollution. Analyze possible cultural differences and diversity concepts that would emerge if you recommended your changes stated above to another country? For example, what language barriers or religious and social differences would you encounter? Describe how countries can bridge cultural differences through strategic partnerships.

A PowerPoint template is available for your use in creating this presentation. The template should be used as a guide only. Add your own wording into this template by writing over the existing information on each slide. The PowerPoint presentation should contain approximately 10 slides in total.

Information provided on the slides should be brief and bulleted. In the notes section, you will include your all your talking points as you would present them to your audience. Remember, you want to tell the story during the presentation rather than having your audience reading your slides along with you during the entire presentation. The KU Writing Center has an excellent resource on Creating Effective PowerPoint Presentations:

The presentation slides should:

  • Include a title slide, introductory slide, in-text citations where applicable, conclusion slide and a reference slide.
  • Use images (with citations) as appropriate to create an effective and professional presentation.
  • Include short descriptions and labels. Do not write out full paragraphs of information on each slide.
  • Be free of industry-jargon. Be mindful of your audience.
  • Use APA style for all citations.
  • Avoid plagiarism. Do not cut and paste directly from the source in the slides. Note: no more than 10% of your paper should be directly quoted from any outside source.
  • Utilize a minimum of three reliable resources.
  • Make certain that your presentation is free of grammar and spelling errors.

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A special feature is available to help you with reviewing your Unit 6 Assignment for plagiarism. When you submit your Assignment to the Unit 6 Dropbox, your Assignment will automatically be analyzed by the plagiarism detection tool, Turnitin. Soon after you submit your Assignment, you will be able to view the Turnitin Originality Report. Originality Reports provide a summary of matching or highly similar text found in a submitted paper. When an Originality Report is available for viewing, an icon will appear in the report column of the Assignment Inbox. Originality Reports are only available in the InBox. For this reason, you will need to download the report prior to the grading of the Unit 6 Assignment. To do this, click on the print icon at the bottom of the Originality Report. This will prepare a readable, PDF version of the Originality Report that you can save to your computer.

Reference no: EM131522355

Questions Cloud

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Knowledge you have gained from the reading assignments : In this Assignment, you will be using knowledge you have gained from the Reading assignments in your textbook.
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What changes will you implement in your next lesson : Relevant materials and resources including visual or audio resources. What changes will you implement in your next lesson? Be sure to provide specific examples.
Several phyla within the animal kingdom : There are several phyla within the animal kingdom that contain "worms". Name three of them, and at least one characteristic of each.


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