Knowledge of individual and collaborative writing processes

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM133203988

The first and fourth Student Learning Outcomes for this course state that, upon completion, students will be able to: "demonstrate knowledge of individual and collaborative writing processes" and "write an essay in a style that clearly communicates meaning, builds credibility, and inspires belief or action." These outcomes specifically focus on a student's communication skills. This semester, we've worked on communication not just through your own essays but in response to others through your analysis of research and your reviews of your peers' writing. Write an essay in which you argue why communication skills are important for you to learn for your degree plan or the career you plan to get after graduation. Please include specific examples to discuss your own experiences with communication skills this semester to explain how this skill could impact other areas of your life.

Reference no: EM133203988

Questions Cloud

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Knowledge of individual and collaborative writing processes : The first and fourth Student Learning Outcomes for this course state that, upon completion, students will be able to: "demonstrate knowledge of individual and c
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How to achieve a differentiation strategy : Saint Cloud State University - Question: "How to achieve a differentiation strategy: focusing on functional areas"?
What they have to do with the market price : Elaborate on why these items are important for investors, what the items reflect, and what they have to do with the market price of the firm's shares of stock


Write a Review

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