Reference no: EM13935708
Assumed Knowledge: Knowledge of at least one programming language and some knowledge of multimedia packages
This subject outline has been prepared by Carrie Lui for the School of Business, Faculty of Law, Business and the Creative Arts, James Cook University. Updated 22 July 2014.
Q1. This subject is offered across more than one campus and/or mode and/or teaching period within the one calendar year.
Yes No
Q2. If yes [Q1], the design of all offerings of this subject ensure the same learning
outcomes and assessment types and weightings.
Yes No
Q3. If no [Q2], _________________________ has authorised any variations, in terms of equivalence.
2.1 Subject description
Topics include phenomenology of interface design, usability analysis, mobile and ubiquitous computing's
influence on HCI, study of current work on new interfaces and analysis of existing ones.
2.2 Subject and course learning outcomes
Insert subject outcomes, as in CSDB. Ensure that there is no variation on CSDB entry. Include only course learning outcomes that will be assessed The following table shows the alignment between the learning outcomes at the course and subject level and assessment. Students who successfully complete this subject will be able to Subject Learning Outcomes Assessment
1. Analyse existing and proposed interfaces; Workshop Tasks; Project Research Report; Final Exam
2. Characterise the phenomenology of interfaces from
perspectives of metaphor and usability;
Workshop Tasks; Project
Research Report; Final Exam
3. Understand qualitative methods in analysing interface usability;
Research Report;
Final Exam
4. Design new interfaces and assess their impact upon users.
Workshop Tasks
Project You are required to form a team of 3 students and discuss some initial ideas for an interactive application design project. You will need to submit a one-page report of initial ideas and team formation. The first stage of developing the project idea is to come up with a user group, a need thatyou will address, and a point of view on how you could address it.
Milestone 2:
In this assignment you are going to learn more about your target users. You are going to conduct some interviews/survey, which will help you to refine your project idea. Try to focus on as specific a group of users as you can. It will be easier and more effective to develop an application that helps a specific group of users, for example, backpackers visiting Cairns from China who don't know any English, rather than all backpackers visiting Australia.
Your team is to develop the prototype of the interactive application using sketches and storyboards. You will create prototypes and conduct user testing. Your team is going to submit a written report to summarise the findings from user testing with the prototypes. Related notes, drawings, scans, recordings, or software should be submitted together with the report in digital format.
Poster Presentation:
In this assignment you are going to design an A3 poster to illustrate the major design concepts of your project and present your project during Workshop 12. Your team need to distribute different responsibilities among the team members such that someone will present the content of the poster; someone may able to do demonstration with the prototypes. The presentation duration is 10 minutes.
See rubric/marking criteria on page 13-15
ASSESSMENT TASK 3: Research Report
Aligned course &
subject learning
• Analyse existing and proposed interfaces;
• Characterise the phenomenology of interfaces from perspectives of metaphor and usability;
• Understand qualitative methods in analysing interface usability;Group or individual Individual Weighting / Length 15%
Due date Workshop 12
An important skill for any graduate student is the ability to independently read and critique research papers. In this assignment, you are to choose a journal or conference publication that describes a user evaluation study from or ACM Digital Library.
The paper selected should
be cited by at least 10 other papers. You can check the citation statistics using Google Scholar,
You have to thoroughly read the, and write a critique of the paper. This critique should be around 1500 words, double-spaced, font 12.
See example rubric/marking criteria on page 16