Knowledge and understanding about the key logistics

Assignment Help Supply Chain Management
Reference no: EM131148807

You are expected to produce materials (executive summary, report, powerpoint, spreadsheets, etc.) that would be presented to your boss/leader demonstrating your knowledge and understanding about the key logistics and supply chain issues.

In developing the PowerPoint presentation, please include narration within the Notes section of the presentation. All documents should include appropriate

citations and a reference list using APA style.

Reference no: EM131148807

Questions Cloud

What is the economic order quantity for whatchamacallit : Your monthly demand for the Whatchamacallit is 20,000 units. You estimate that your fixed ordering cost is $450 and the annual holding cost percentage is 15%. You sell each Whatchamacallit for $80, and your profit margin is $50 per unit. If you have ..
Explain how to operationalise : Select one organisational behaviour concept and explain how to operationalise it through an additional human resource process other than the one(s) it is linked to in the matrix.
What factors do you think affecting this team cohesiveness : As a team member, what would you do? Should the three members of the team confront Fitzgerald with their concerns? Should they inform Kurt Lansing? Explain your answers.
Explain relationship between the price elasticity of demand : Explain the relationship between the price elasticity of demand and total revenue. What are the impacts of various forms of elasticities (elastic, inelastic, unit elastic, etc.) on business decisions and strategies to maximize profit?
Knowledge and understanding about the key logistics : produce materials that would be presented to your boss/leader demonstrating your knowledge and understanding about the key logistics and supply chain issues.
Where are personality assessments conducted : Please discuss personality assessments' some basic question: Who is actually being assessed? What is assessed when a personality assessment is conducted? Where are personality assessments conducted
Successful implementation of lean system requires : A successful implementation of a lean system requires:
Analysis of material flows is different : Analysis of material flows is different than analysis of information flows because:
Potential causes of depressive disorders : Write a 1,200-to 1,500-word paper discussing: Potential causes of depressive, bipolar, and substance disorders. Treatment methods for depressive, bipolar, and substance disorders


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