Reference no: EM132665307
The model selected is the Shuler's model. Shuler's model helps to organize beliefs and knowledge about Advanced Nurse Practice. The model focuses on a holistic and wellness approach. The approach is based on the Nurse Practitioner-patient interaction, the patients assessment, intervention, and the evaluation (Hambic et al., 2019). The Nurse Practitioner focuses on the well being of the patient and well care activities.
Shuler's model provides structure for research on advance practice nursing. This model addresses important components of advanced nursing through: (1) nursing's metaparadigm (person, health, nursing, and environment); (2) nursing process; (3) assumptions about patients and nurse practitioners; and (4) theoretical concepts related to practice (Hamic et al.; 2019). Research is important in nursing to meet the needs of the patient through positive findings.
The Nurse Practitioner should advance their knowledge and skills, to provide a coherent structure. The structure is important for Nurse Practitioner and the patient. This will bring positive patient and Nurse Practitioner relationship. The Nurse Practitioner will learn the disease process and assess the patient as a whole.
Shuler's model focuses on guidelines for the Nurse Practitioner based on nursing knowledge and skills. The practice is based on the benefits for Nurse Practitioner and patient relationship. Nurse Practitioner is evaluated on services provided. (Hamric et al.; 2019). The guidelines are followed to provide the best care within the scope pf practice.
Shuler's model allows the Nurse Practitioner to see the bigger picture so they can provide holistic and comprehensive care. The Nurse Practitioner focuses not only on the disease process of the patient, they focus on the patient as a whole. The patient as a whole is important in this model.