KNN Regression

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Reference no: EM132785800

Consider a single dimension. Obtain N = 100 iid samples of x uniformly randomly between1 and 10. The corresponding y values are obtained as the logarithm of x plus a Gaussiannoise (mean 0, standard deviation 0.1). Now use K-NN regression (for each of the followingthree schemes, and with K = 1, 3, 50 for each scheme) to obtain estimates of y at x-values of1, 3, 5, 7 and 9:

the K neighbors contribute equally

each of the K neighbors has an influence that is inversely proportional to the distancefrom the point

all the N points contribute, with each contribution proportional to e-1/2d2, where d represents distance.

Reference no: EM132785800

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