Knee replacement patient

Assignment Help Science
Reference no: EM133730972


You are caring for a 2nd day post-op knee replacement patient who has chronic back pain and has been taking Percocet (oxycodone/tylenol) for the last 6 months. The doctor's orders state to give the patient Percocet 1 tab Q 4 hrs PO Prn. You gave your patient 1 Percocet 2 hours ago & he is still complaining that his pain is an 8 on the pain scale. What should you do next? Tell the patient that he needs to just deal with the pain Give the patient an ice pack for comfort Distract your patient Call the doctor to get order for more medicine.

Reference no: EM133730972

Questions Cloud

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Knee replacement patient : You are caring for a 2nd day post-op knee replacement patient who has chronic back pain and has been taking Percocet (oxycodone/tylenol) for the last 6 months.
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