Reference no: EM133116256
KIT502 Web Development - University of Tasmania
UTAS Computer Rental services
UTAS Computer Rental Services (UCR) provides computer rental service to staff and students in Hobart and Launceston at University of Tasmania (UTAS). To provide the timely service, it has been decided to develop a web site where staff and students can rent a computer on a short-term basis.
Description of Assignment 1:
For Assignment 1, you work ONLY on client side. As you are including SCRIPTING though, it will validate the information from users at registration; other parts are rather planning stage, with limited functionalities. Nevertheless, you must plan thoroughly for assignment 2 at this stage. A thorough planning will help you to progress smoothly in assignment 2. REMEMBER that the workload of assignment 2 is MUCH BIGGER than assignment 1.
The portion of Assignment 1, the assigned 20%, is given generously to compensate the time you might need to organizing admin matters such as getting to know each other, scheduling the regular meeting time, etc. in forming a group. The percentage doesn't reflect the workload in assignments 1 and 2.
The following section indicates possible sections grouped into different pages. However, the structure of the website is up to your group's decision.
This is starting/entry point to the rental service system which will have:
• A link to a registration page
• Login/logout section
• A form to search the computer with brand.
For Assignment 1 the login/logout section does not need to authenticate a user (i.e. no database access is required).
Registration page
This is where new users can register to the system. Further details are in the How to use UCR Services section above.
Proper input validation must be applied at this point including:
• Double entry password check
• Password is:
o 5-10 characters in length
o Contain at least 1 lowercase letter, 1 uppercase letter, 1 number and one of the following special characters such as !, @, #, or $.
UCR staff do not register, they are added to the system by the director. Once added to the system, UCR staff also can use the rental service system to rent a computer.
For assignment 1, the registration page does not need to store the registration data (i.e. no database access is required).
Rental Page
It will display:
• The search bar or form to find the available computer with computer brand
• The list of computers available
• A button or link to display the details of the computer
• A button or link to see their availability
If a user is not logged in, they can only view the list of items. The button to see the details of each item can be viewed but they cannot add the item into the cart.
Master Computer List Page
This is where web manager and staff create, edit or remove items in the list of computers that will be available for selection by the customers to add it into the cart.
The web manager and staff also allocate the price for each item.
For assignment 1, the master computer list page does not need to store any changes to the list or the items in it (i.e. no database access is required).
Planning for database tables (ER diagram for the web site)
You are required to design your database tables to complete for assignment 1. You do not need to create actual tables in the server yet, but you must present how you are going to make the database tables for Assignment
2. You are required to clearly indicate the relationship between different tables using primary key and foreign key in your database design.
To draw your database design, you may use any software such as startUML, word, paint, or etc., and hand- drawn diagrams are equally acceptable.
You ARE STRONGLY recommended to read the assignment 2 specification carefully to design your database for assignment 2.
Description of Assignment 2:
For assignment 2 the login/logout section WILL need to authenticate a user and the search form is active (i.e. database access IS required). The site now fully functional for assignment 2, so interaction with database as well as the necessary interaction between the client and the server sides must work.
Registration page
The registration page WILL need to store the registration data.
Rental Page
It will display the list of computers stored in the database with their details.
When a user searches for available computers using the search form by specifying a computer brand, it displays the list of computers with their availability (i.e. if you search for an Apple device, then it only displays the Apple products with their availability. You might have used a similar system such as the booking of the meeting room service in the UTAS library.).
The conditions are:
• Only logged in user can rent a computer.
• Customer can rent the computer on an hourly basis, but each loan period must NOT exceed 5 hours at one time.
• It will not allow a user to rent a computer more than their account balance can pay for.
• The total rental price is calculated based on 1) base rental price, 2) deposit, 3) insurance, 4) pending payment if any and 5) discount if any.
o A customer must pay the deposit fee ($50). It will be returned to the customer when they return the computer without any damage.
o The base rental price is calculated based on the number of hours (e.g. one hour rental price of computer A is $10 and a customer wants to rent for 3 hours. Then the base rental price is 10 * 3 = 30).
o Customers can add insurance ($10) in case there is a damage no additional charge applied. If not, - additional charge applied for minor damage (such as scratch) - $100 or major damage (such as broken computer) $500.
o Students can have a 10% discount.
For assignment 2, the rental page needs to store submitted services and update a user's account based upon action/request. For example, the balance needs to update upon each request.
Returning the Rental page
This page is only available to customer. It displays the list of the computer that a customer has rented but not returned yet. The customer should update in the system whether they have returned the computer or not in this page. Even though they return the computer, the deposit is still on holding until staff confirms the return.
Manage Rental Page
This page is only available to staff and web manager.
• It provides the lists of all computers that have been rented to the customer with their status.
• Staff must confirm the return of the computer - if it is not confirmed, customers cannot get the deposit back.
• When staff confirms the return, staff should update whether there is any damage on the computer. In case of damage, staff should choose whether it is minor damage or major damage with a comment.
User Account Page
This page can only be accessed while a user is logged in.
• Here a user can view their account balance and deposit more funds.
• For the customer, they can see the rental history.
• For assignment 2 the user account page WILL retrieve and update a user's account details as required.
Master Computer List Page
The master computer list page WILL need to modify the list of computers that will be available for selection by customers. This page is only available to staff and web manager.
When a new computer is added in the list, the below information should be added (All fields are mandatory):
• The image of computer
• Computer manufacturers (Computer brand)
• Computer specification
o Operating system
o Display size
o The number of USB port
o HDMI port
• Rental price per hour
Staff can modify/edit any information of the computers. Staff also can remove the computer in the list.
User Management Page
This page is only available to staff and web manager.
• The staff can
o See the ‘black customer list'. If the customer damages the rented computer more than 3 times, they are listed in the blacklist.
o See all the list of customers
• The web manager can
o See all the list of staff / customer
o Add or remove staff
o Remove the customer from the blacklist
Manager Dashboard
This page is only available to web manager.
In this page, it provides the overview of the services which includes below information:
• The total number of users in the system with the categorization of customer (staff / student), UCR staff
• The total number of users who are listed as blacklist
• The total number of computers in the systems
• A summary of current rental status (e.g. how many computers have not returned yet)
Attachment:- Web_Development.rar