Reference no: EM133323076
Question 1.
What two kinds of humor does George Valliant distinguish between?
Self-deprecating humor that is adaptive and hostile humor that is used to control others.
Self-deprecating humor that puts the self down and practical jokes that are done at the expense of others.
Slapstick humor that is physical and jokes or riddles that are verbal.
Situational humor that is non-intentional and practical jokes that are intentional.
Situational humor that is what happens in daily life and jokes that are stories about daily life.
Question 2
If there was a movie that made fun of a serious topic, it would most likely use which of the following kinds of humor?
Question 3
Which of the following is not one of the seven habits in the 7 Humor Habits Program developed by Paul McGhee?
Finding humor in the midst of stress.
Creating your own verbal humor.
Looking for humor in everyday life.
Keeping a journal of your favorite jokes.
Cultivating a playful attitude.
Question 4
Which of the following is most true for healthy-minded and/or sick-minded people according to William James?
Healthy-minded people know how to play whereas sick-minded people do not.
Healthy-minded people have a sense of meaning in life whereas sick-minded people do not.
Healthy-minded people can see the good in almost anything whereas sick-minded people can not.
Healthy-minded people know how to laugh whereas sick-minded people do not.
Healthy-minded people have an appreciation of the sacred whereas sick-minded people do not.
Question 5
What does the emotion of awe motivate us to do?
To imitate or follow in the footsteps of those who are kind or compassionate to others.
To be grateful for what is beautiful and/or excellent.
To achieve the some kind of skill or mastery for ourselves.
To open ourselves up to the possibility that life has meaning and purpose.
To stop and take in the vastness of a mystery so we can begin to understand.
Question 6
What were the three ways of fostering the appreciation of the good presented in the textbook?
recognizing the good, noticing the good, savoring the good
identifying the good, cultivating the good, rehearsing the good
identifying the good, creating the good, savoring the good
recognizing the good, noticing the good, responding to the good
recognizing the good, savoring the good, responding to the good
Question 7
Which of the following is not one of the three moral functions of gratitude?
None of the above
It may serve as a moral motive influencing us to give back to other people.
It may serve as a moral compass in helping us understand what someone has done for us.
It may serve as a moral reinforcer that encourages and rewards us for what we do for others.
It may serve as a moral barometer letting us know when someone has done something for us.
Question 8
Which of the following is not one of the ways that people higher in gratitude are different from those lower in gratitude?
They have more positive social interactions.
They have lower stress and depression.
They have higher life satisfaction and positive emotions.
They have better relationships.
They have fewer negative social interactions.
Question 9
Which of the following are included in the three ways to foster gratitude presented in the textbook?
increasing awareness, personal reflection, reading stories of gratitude
increasing awareness, social sharing, gratitude journaling
reading stories of gratitude, social sharing, gratitude journaling
increasing awareness, personal reflection, social sharing
reading stories of gratitude, personal reflection, gratitude journaling
Question 10
How did the work of Joseph Campbell, Dan McAdams, and James Pennebaker support the value of developing a sense of meaning?
They've all demonstrated how stories and narratives support meaning and well-being.
They have each written hero's journey stories showing how suffering leads to meaning.
They worked to develop a theory of the relationship between meaning and pleasure.
They have each done research showing that a sense of meaning increases happiness.
They have all demonstrated through their lives how meaning helped them survive suffering.
Question 11
What are the kinds of life narratives that Michael Steger and Joo Yeon Shin have identified?
A positive resolution narrative and a negative resolution narrative.
A meaning-oriented narrative and a pleasure-oriented narrative.
A coherent narrative and an incoherent narrative.
A growth-oriented narrative and a security-oriented narrative.
A redemption narrative and a security-oriented narrative.
Question 12
Which of the following is true of spiritualty and religion as defined in the textbook?
Spirituality involves belief in a higher power while religion involves believing in a God of organized religion.
Spirituality is being connected with God while religion is being connected with organized religion.
Spirituality involves being connected with something greater than yourself while religion is involvement with organized religion.
Spirituality is generally beneficial while religion is generally harmful.
Spirituality involves keeping an open mind while religion involves focusing narrowly on one set of beliefs.