Reference no: EM133691936
Read Isaiah Chapters 52 and 53 about the "Suffering Servant." I want you to use the following tool while reading through these chapters prior to answering the discussion questions.
Read it: Familiarization, Explore it: Imagination, Pray it: Conversation, Enjoy it: Celebration, Live it: Application, Share it: Evangelization, Watch it: Transformation. What you will do is read through it once just for familiarization, and then read it again using your imagination and just think about the things being described about this prophecy of the coming "Suffering Servant." Choose one word, or phrase, that stands out to you and turn that into your prayer back to God. Let that wash over you and enjoy the process that you have access to the living Word of God. Share what you learned with somebody, and watch the word transform your life. After you have worked through this process, answer the following questions. This should not be an academic exercise! Don't just do it for a grade, but sincerely humble yourself under the presence of a Mighty God. It will not return void.
1. Pray for Insight: What are the key truths God intends to communicate from these passages? Ask God to help you understand what this passage means to you.
2. God Being Revealed: What does this tell you about God and who He is? How does this narrative ultimately set up the stage for Jesus? Spend time worshipping Him accordingly.
3. Now Let's Respond: What does God want you to obey or do differently in your life today? Ask God to help you change. Who are you going to share it with?