Reference no: EM131179535 , Length: word count:2000
University Research Essay - Australia Human Services
Understanding diversity - research using existing published literature and sources.
Aim: This task is a major research essay on understanding and working across difference.
General Instructions:
1. Research about Australian Older people, culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds); CALD
2. Do not use high level of vocabulary please (Professors know English is not my first language)
Assessment instructions:
Drawing on existing published scholarly literature and relevant, credible published sources (e.g. the United Nations and the Australian Bureau of Statistics), complete Part A of your essay using the following headings:
Demographics and key features of the group in Australian society (e.g. statistics on the typical age, ethnicity of the group);
Major historical perspectives, policies and practices that have affected this group (What are key historical events and policies that have affected this group?)
Current potential issues of contention or challenges for this group in terms of accessing social and human services (What are the major issues this group faces in terms of discrimination and accessing, for example, health, family planning, welfare, education, housing, law, or income support services?)
Require readings-
Longevity and social change in Australia - Allan Borowski, Sol Encel, Elizabeth Ozanne, EBSCOhost 2007 (electronic resource)
Book Recommended resource Please read Chapter 5: "Ethnicity and aging" pages 117-141
Spiritual growth and care in the fourth age of life - Elizabeth MacKinlay, ebrary, Inc 2006
Book Recommended resource Please read Chapter 1 "The spiritual dimension of ageing and people in need of care", pages 11-29
Tanner, D. & Harris, J. (2008). Understanding later life. In Working with older people. New York: Routledge, pp. 5-38.
United Nations. (2010). Strengthening older people's rights: Towards a UN convention. Retrieved from
The code of ethics of the Australian Community Workers Association states that: "Every human being, regardless of ethnicity, gender, beliefs, age, social status or other individual differences has a right to maximise his or her potential providing it does not infringe upon the rights of others" (ACWA, 2013, p. 1).
2000 words
10 references.
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