Reference no: EM133670909
The World Health Organisation (WHO) declares, "Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease/infirmity". Health is transitioning from a clinician-centric model of care to a patient-centric model, also known as precision medicine, that considers a patient's individuality - genetics, environment, and lifestyle factors. With the increasing availability of patient-focused data and advancements in AI and Analytics technologies, there is a growing opportunity to leverage analytics, machine learning, and artificial intelligence to develop and deploy patient-centric healthcare systems and processes. These technologies can provide valuable insights into early warning signs, developmental progress, and potential health risks, enabling timely interventions and personalized care plans. What you are required to do:
• Understand the key elements of a start-up pitch.
• Conduct an environment scan/literature search of current solutionsin the area, both overseas and local (Background).
• Develop a critical understanding of the gaps and challenges, as well needs and expectations I this sector, in Australia (Problem/challenge).
• Based on your readings and observations, as well as expertise acquired in the course thus far, propose the design, development strategy and deployment strategy of an analytics solution for the identified problem/challenge (solution).
• You must independently decide on the nature, scale of the problem as well as the type of analytics solution (components, lifecycle, insights generation) that you intend to design, develop, and deploy.
• This solution must provide a competitive advantage from an organisational perspective.
• You must also account for the ethics and governance factors that will influence the proposed solution.