Key components of project scope management plan

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133231143

Question 1. Identify and describe two documents that can be used to initiate projects.

Question 2. Identify and describe two key components of a project scope management plan.

Question 3. Describe two factors that can impact on a project scope.

Question 4. Explain the purpose of a change control plan within a project scope management plan, and summarise the key processes that should be followed in order to control changes within a project.

Question 5. Explain two methods that can be used to measure project outcomes and progress and provide example to illustrate each.

Question 6. Describe two methods for segmenting and documenting a work break down structure (WBS).

Question 7. Identify and describe two problem areas likely to be encountered in scope management.

Question 8. Explain the concept of the project life cycle and the importance of scope management within this cycle.

Question 9. Identify three project management tools and explain their use in project scope management.

Question 10. Outline the key role and at least four responsibilities of a project manager when planning a project.

Reference no: EM133231143

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