Keith agrees to transport ceramic figurines

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Reference no: EM133122187

Each of us makes promises all the time; most we keep, but some we don't. The question this week focus on when a promise is-or is not-enforceable. Said differently, when will the law make a person keep a promise? Choose one of the scenarios below and explain whether you think that the promise made is enforceable. Be sure to think about the concepts of offer, acceptance, consideration, legality, and capacity.

Uncle John promises his nephew that he will give the nephew $10,000 on his 18th birthday if the nephew doesn't drink alcohol, smoke cigarettes, do illegal drugs, or engage in any immoral behaviors.

Bill asks Sally to marry him, and she answers yes. Bill then sells his favorite sports car and pays upfront for a lavish wedding ceremony and a three-week trip to Europe.

Keith agrees to transport ceramic figurines from Los Angeles to New York City in his moving truck. What he doesn't know is that each figurine is filled packets of cocaine.

Maria and Jennifer are having drinks at a local bar, and both are a bit tipsy. As the night goes on, Maria asks Jennifer to trade Jennifer's three-carat diamond ring for Maria's 1978 Ford Duster, and Jennifer agrees to the deal.

Reference no: EM133122187

Questions Cloud

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Calculate the current ratio and profit margin ratio : Calculate the current ratio and profit margin ratio for the latest two years, and interpret the results. Then, explain what the ratios over the 2 years tell you
Company employment practices in lobby of building : A group of people protesting a company's employment practices in the lobby of a building is surrounded by private security guards hired by the company.
Describes negligence or product liability : Choose one and determine if it describes negligence or product liability.
Keith agrees to transport ceramic figurines : Keith agrees to transport ceramic figurines from Los Angeles to New York City in his moving truck. What he doesn't know is that each figurine is filled packets
Louis vuitton bag and planet fitness gym : Discuss why you think this marketing message is the correct message for your specified target market. Who are your primary target customers?
About actual goods-services and ideas : Know that when we talk about products offered by a business we are talking about actual goods, services, and ideas.
Brand managers : When you think of a brand, it makes you think and feel a certain way. Those images are carefully crafted by Brand Managers.
What helps economists forecast the economy : What helps economists forecast the economy? Imagine you are presenting the index of the leading indicators concept to a small group of newly hired analysts.


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