Keeping patient safety in mind, what should you do

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Reference no: EM133619080

Question: You arrive at work one day to find that due to a flu epidemic, a historic number of call-ins have decreased the available staff below safe levels. Your supervisor asks you to float to a unit that you have never even visited before. Keeping patient safety in mind, what should you do?

Reference no: EM133619080

Questions Cloud

What abnormality do you suspect : Moon facies, buffalo hump, abdominal obesity with purple striae, and multiple bruises. He has difficulty rising from a chair. What abnormality do you suspect
Which type of coping does your patient demonstrate : You are visiting a 56-year-old woman at her home for wound care following a double mastectomy. Which type of coping does your patient demonstrate?
Describe common responses that toddlers may have : Describe common responses that toddlers may have to hospitalization and provide two (2) helpful nursing interventions.
What is needed in an organization to make a practice change : Although a protocol has been in place, there has been a sudden spike in falls, and therefore a practice change may need to occur. What is needed
Keeping patient safety in mind, what should you do : Your supervisor asks you to float to a unit that you have never even visited before. Keeping patient safety in mind, what should you do?
Identify a barrier or issue in health care that you want : Identify a barrier or issue in health care that you want to address. Perform a literature review on the barrier or issue using the table.
Discuss common illegal methods of funding terrorism : Discuss why Congress passed the USA PATRIOT Act so quickly after 9/11. Discuss some of the common illegal methods of funding terrorism?
How did each scene make you feel? did the ad motivate you : How did each scene make you feel? Did the ad motivate you to go out and buy Nike shoes? Discuss why or why not.
Develop a care plan : Develop a care plan including: subjective/ objective, nursing diagnosis, planning/ outcome, interventions, rationale for intervention, evaluation


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