Keep track of the size of the array

Assignment Help C/C++ Programming
Reference no: EM13166554

/*Create a simple array class named my_int_array that will have array-like characteristics, but also (unlike a C/C++ array)
keep track of the size of the array so that you cannot exceed the array boundaries. The implementation details (i.e. the private members)
of your class are up to you, but the class should have the following public interface:*/

//Has a function named "size" that takes no arguments and returns the length of(number of items in) the array
   //   Has a function named "at" that takes one integer argument and returns the array element at that index, or displays an error if index is out of bounds.
   //   Has a constructor that takes an existing array and size, and makes a copy of the values in the array.
   //   Has a copy constructor and an assignment operator that make copies.
   //   Has a constructor that takes a size and makes an empty array of that size.
   //   Make sure you use const where appropriate, and make sure to clean - up / delete all allocated memory

Reference no: EM13166554

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