Reference no: EM133201481
Assignment - Child Development Essay
Description - Write two different Essay each one contain two paragraph (just one page for each essay) for actual events during this year (5 or more) we found in magazine, newspaper, store ..... etc, for disabled children . How they act? How people deal with them? And what is your idea about that
1. For two days, keep a log of all references to persons with special needs that you come across. It might be on television, in a movie, in someone's conversation that you overhear, in the newspaper or magazine, in another class you are taking this semester. Just write a one sentence entry for each incident you notice.
For example -
1. 2/7/20 10:00 AM - My math instructor talked about accommodating students with special needs.
2. 2/7/20 2:00 PM - Read in People magazine about a child with cerebral palsy creating a special toy for other children with CP.
3. 2/7/20 3:00 PM Heard someone in Target talking about a "blind kid" who lives on her block.
When you finish with your log entries, write two paragraphs summarizing what impressions you have about public perceptions of persons with special needs.