Reference no: EM131296777
I. Mark each of the following True or False, write the letter of the best multiple choice answer, fill in the blank or answer in sentences (#17 and #18). (2 points each)
1. ____ (True or False) Kant thought that ethics are based solely upon human feelings.
2. ____ (True or False) To Kant, morality is based equally upon emotions and reason.
3. ____ To Kant, for an action to be moral, it must be done:
a) in accord with duty
b) for the sake of duty
c) both (a) and (b) d) none of these.
4. ____ According to Kant, the rightness of an action is:
a) somewhat related to its consequences
b) totally related to its consequences
c) not at all related to its consequences
d) sometimes related to its consequences (depending upon the circumstances).
5. To ________________, the only intrinsically valuable thing is a good will. (Kant or Aristotle?)
6. ____ (True or False) To Kant, freedom means doing whatever one feels like doing.
7. ____ (True or False) To Kant, an action is moral if most people are doing it.
8. ____ (True or False) To Kant, we should act only upon maxims that are universalizable.
9. ____ (True or False) According to Kant, we should treat persons as ends-in-themselves, never as means only.
10. ____ To Kant, which one of the following is most helpful in guiding us to act morally:
a) Inclinations
b) Reason
c) Instinct
d) Intuition.
11. ______ (True or False) Kant thought that ethics are grounded in moral law, accessible through the right use of reason.
12. ____ (True or False) To Kant, a person should do moral actions out of enjoyment.
13. Imagine that you are steering a boat smuggling a family of Jewish refugees from Nazi Germany. A German naval boat comes alongside your boat and an officer asks if you have any Jews aboard. If you say "yes" he will come aboard and shoot them. If you say "no" he will, you hope, continue on his way and leave you alone. What would Kant most likely suggest that you do?
a. Lie to the naval officer because the harm of telling the truth in this particular case probably outweighs any possible harm brought about by lying.
b. Don't lie to the naval officer because lying, in general, causes more harm than good.
c. Lie to the naval officer on the grounds that because he has no respect for the rights of Jews, he, in turn, has no rights that you are bound to respect.
d. Don't lie to the naval officer, because that would violate the categorical imperative.
14. ____ True/False According to Kant, we ought to do our moral duty for its own sake-not because of the consequences.
15. To Kant, the only thing that is "good without qualification" is ___________________________.
16. The two kinds of imperatives, according to Kant, are: ____________ and _______________.
17. and 18. State any two versions of Kant's Categorical Imperative. (You may use your own words or Kant's.)
18. ____________________________________________________________________________
19. ___ (True or False) Kant claims to have definitively proven that humans are free.
20. ___ (True or False) Kant claims that moral truths are true a priori (independent of any particular experience).
21. To Kant, which of these are main aspects of a person: a) inclinations b) reason c) neurochemistry (Choose more than one, if applicable.)
22. Of these aspects listed above (in #21), which must morality be based upon?
23. To Kant, which of these aspects (in #21) can get in the way of morality?
24. (True or False) To Kant, "to be beneficent where one can is a duty."
25. (True or False) To Kant, "Rational nature exists as an end in itself."
26. (True or False) To Kant, freedom of the will must be presupposed.
27. (True or False) To Kant, "Now an action done from duty must wholly exclude the influence of inclination."
28. Which of the three shopkeepers would Kant think is most moral?
A. treats customers fairly because it's good for business.
B. treats customers fairly because he/she feels warmly toward customers.
C. treats customers fairly because it is his/her duty.
D. Treats customers unfairly to make more money.
29. (True/False) (True or False) To Kant, a hypothetical imperative is binding upon all rational beings.
30. (True/False) Kant claims that positive feelings for others are more important than duty.
31. (True or False) To Kant, a maxim is universalizable if the local legislative rules allow it.