Jyllands-posten muhammad cartoons controversy

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Reference no: EM13254011


Describe the Jyllands-Posten Muhammad cartoons controversy.


Who was Camille Claudel?

With whom did she enter into a relationship?

What happened to that relationship?

What eventually happened to Camille Claudel?


How did Amedeo Clemente Modigliani die?

Might his death have been prevented?

What happened to his wife?

Might there have been a way to have avoided this tragedy?


How did Jackson Pollock die?

Who was in the car with him?

Why do you think people take these kind of risks?


Who was Jean-Michel Basquiat?

How did he die?

What type of drugs was he using?

Why do you think it is that so many people are involved with these dangerous narcotics?


Who was Dash Snow?

Who were some of his more famous relatives?

Why do you think a young man with so much potential would squander it all?


In your opinion why is DOROTHEA LANGE’S the Migrant Mother, Nipomo, California (1936),or why is it not the “Photo of the 20Th Century”? If not, then what photo Could be?



Which WW II General was she embedded with?

What, in Germany, was she one of the first to photograph?

Does she ROCK or What?


What gave Muybridge the idea for taking the pictures of the running horse?


What TV commercials did Orson Welles star in during the 1970’s?

What would his sponsor not do before it’s time?

And Who or what was ROSEBUD?



What did she do before World War II, During WW 2, and After?

Where is the irony?


Sadly, what how did Matthew Brady’s life end?

What was ironic about his personal collection of photos?


What is the story of Pygmalion?

Who turned this story into a Broadway Play?

What was new title when the play became a movie staring Rex Harrison?

Which famous female movie star was “discovered” for one of the staring roles in this film?


How did ROBERT SMITHSON die? Where was he when this tragedy happened?


What activity did CHARLES SIMONDS do early in his career that involved tiny ruins and missing tiny people?


How old was MAYA YING LIN when she won the competition for the “Wall”?

What concerns did some politicians and members of the public have?


The other name for the Hagia Sophia is?

(There could be several)

What did this church become when Constantinople became Istanbul?

What famous mosaics are hidden in this church?


What fate befell Sir Joseph Paxton’s Crystal Palace?


Who was/were the architects of the Eiffel Tower?

What did Eiffel do to get the tower named after him?


Who was the inventor of the modern elevator?

In what city did he place his company?

How many people ride in one of his contraptions every nine days?

Reference no: EM13254011

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