Reference no: EM132637641
Assignment: Choose any 'real-world' business, organisation or government and you can focus on any type of risk covered in the Unit. For example, you might focus on how a technology company such as Google might face risks related to infrastructure failure or cyber-attack, or how an airline such as Qantas might face risks from volcanic eruptions or severe weather events. If you are unsure what risks to look at, take a look at some of the Unit readings to get an idea or have a look at news websites to see what risks or problems ‘real-world' business, organisation or government have faced.
Your report MUST include the following 3 sub-sections:
Introduction (Suggested about, 200 words) Briefly justify why you have chosen your 'real-world' business, organisation or government. Please draw on relevant practice literature (e.g. company websites, reports or Press coverage). You are not required to include references to academic readings in your introduction.
Risk Identification (Suggested about, 500 words) Drawing upon academic literature and practice literature explain how you have identified the 2 key risks that face your selected ‘real-world' business/company, organisation or government?
Recommendations (Suggested about, 500 words) Drawing upon academic literature make 2 key recommendations as to how you would better deal with the 2 keys risks identified. So in other words, you have in total 2 recommendations/solutions. 1 for the first key risk identified and then another 1 for the next key risks identified.
How do perform transaction analysis and indicate the account
: How do perform transaction analysis and indicate the account, amount, and direction of the effect (+ for increase and - for decrease) on the accounting equation
What is role of politics in influencing the direction of art
: How have changes in society affected our understanding and appreciation of art music and the arts? What is the role of politics in influencing the direction.
How do find the sales in units to achieve a profit
: Selling price per unit, $48: total fixed expenses, Find the sales in units to achieve a profit of $23,000, assuming no change in selling price.
Explain what understand by budgets
: Explain what understand by Budgets, Fixed Budgets and Flexible Budgets in the context of control and performance evaluation of an organization of your choice
Justify why you have chosen your real-world business
: Introduction (Suggested about, 200 words) Briefly justify why you have chosen your 'real-world' business, organisation or government. Please draw on relevant.
What should the order quantity be in order to minimize
: Price is established by the following quantity discount schedule. What should the order quantity be in order to minimize the total annual cost?
Describe the stage of program implementation
: Post a description of the process evaluation that you chose and explain why you selected this example. Describe the stage of program implementation.
Find the contribution margin for product yy
: Find the contribution margin for (a) Product YY. Product XX 45,000 38,000. Product YY 60,000 50,000. Product XX $ 700 $ ?660
How supported did this individual feel from the community
: How supported did this individual feel from the community, and how did that support change from before they became ill? What insights did you gain from this.