Justify such invasions into peoples private lives

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Reference no: EM133574626

The recent controversy over government monitoring of American citizens' personal communications is highly unsettling and raises serious ethical concerns. While the intent behind such monitoring may be national security, the invasion of individual privacy cannot be ignored. "The FBI in particular has come under scrutiny for its use of 702-gathered data." (Lillis, 2022) The idea that a government agency could have access to personal conversations, emails, or messages without a warrant or probable cause directly contradicts the principles of freedom and autonomy. Privacy is not merely a luxury or privilege; it's a fundamental human right. Even under the guise of security, it's hard to justify such invasions into people's private lives. The potential for misuse is enormous, whether that be targeting political opponents, marginalized communities, or simple citizens who dare to voice dissent.

I do believe that a line should be drawn. Just because technology has advanced to a point where mass surveillance is possible doesn't mean it should be permissible. The ethical cost of a "surveillance state" is too high and opens the door to a society where people may be afraid to express themselves freely, search for information, or communicate with others. Legislation should be put into place that only allows for such monitoring under extreme circumstances, and with transparent oversight, to ensure that the power is not being abused.

Reference no: EM133574626

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