Justify brief communication plan for policies and procedures

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Reference no: EM132357426

Assignment: The HRM function is quite complex with multiple legal, relational, technological, and environmental factors to navigate.

Select any one of the following starter bullet point sections. Review the important themes within the sub questions of each bullet point. The sub questions are designed to get you thinking about some of the important issues. Your response should provide a succinct synthesis of the key themes in a way that articulates a clear point, position, or conclusion supported by research.

1. Many would acknowledge that at one time unions were good for workers and the country as unions were able to help workers obtain safer and healthier working conditions, higher pay, and a variety of legal protections. However, others argue that they have outlived their usefulness and contribute to lower competitiveness and a decline in the value of merit (with the union emphasis on seniority). Evaluate the pros and cons of unions, including your assessment of whether unions have outlived their usefulness or still have an important role.

2. With the high cost of strikes to both management and unions, there is increasing use of third-party conflict resolution processes to resolve an impasse. The two primary processes are mediation and arbitration.

• Analyze the difference between mediation and arbitration. From the perspective of each party in the impasse, assess the benefits and disadvantages of each of these third-party conflict resolution methods and under what conditions one would be preferred.

• Evaluate the situational variables (for example, the issue at impasse, the consequences of not resolving the impasse, grievance vs. strike threat, the state of the relationship between the two parties, and legislation such as Railway Labor Act and National Labor Relations Act) that might influence selection of method to resolve an impasse.

3. Employees' rights to privacy are being brought to question on many fronts-just what is your right to privacy at your place of employment? Does your employer have a right to read your personal e-mail? To place surveillance cameras in the restroom? To track the sites that you visit? Monitor your phone calls?

• Evaluate the employer's interest in monitoring employees, including the rights that employers have.

• Assess the rights to privacy and protection from monitoring that employees should have.

• Justify a brief communication plan for policies and procedures pertaining to monitoring.

4. Ulrich (2012) identified four waves of HR development. In the first wave, HR was primarily an administrative activity. In the second wave, HR continued to have an administrative dimension, but also began to focus on innovative activities pertaining to sourcing, rewards, communication, and other practices. In the third wave, HR continued administration and innovative activities, but also added the strategic element by integrating HR practices with business purpose. Because of globalization, economic turmoil, technological advances, and other change factors, Ulrich anticipates a fourth wave of HR that he describes as outside in. In essence, HR must integrate with external conditions and stakeholders to build successful HRM. Evaluate Ulrich's perspective on the fourth wave of HR. What are the strengths and weaknesses of the idea?

5. Ulrich (2012) proposed six key competencies for HR professionals, including (a) credible activist, (b) strategic positioner, (c) capability builder, (d) change champion, (e) HR innovator and integrator, and (f) technology proponent. Conduct research into the six competencies and assess which of the six roles is most important for an HR professional to master.

Ulrich, D. (2012). HR transformation: Six competencies for the future of human resources. New York, NY: McGraw Hill.

The final paragraph (three or four sentences) of your initial post should summarize the one or two key points that you are making in your initial response.

Your posting should be the equivalent of 1 to 2 single-spaced pages (500-1000 words) in length.

Reference no: EM132357426

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