Justify a plan of action for the topmost identified problem

Assignment Help Portfolio Management
Reference no: EM131713499

Health Services Management Program - Khoula Hospital in Oman

Monitoring Work Activities

1. Justify a plan of action for the topmost identified problem in the institution.

A. After performing the environmental scanning through SWOT and PESTEL identify the topmost problem through ranking.
B. Once the topmost problem had been identified prepare a plan of action with necessary justifications having the following considerations as instructions:
1. find a template for making action plan (in a table manner or format) (include the reference)
2. prepare a minimum of three action plans for the topmost identified problem
3. have a specific column for justification for each action
4. minimum of 2 justifications per action plans
C. Maximum words is 200.

2. Prepare a checklist with accompanying Gantt Chart to monitor self-accomplishment.

A. You are asked to do 2 things in this domain: a checklist and a Gantt chart.
B. Personally prepare a checklist that you need to accomplish within the 1st semester of this academic year. Suggestions of what might be included are the following:
1. 1st semester's timetable
2. date of assessments for each courses
3. personal schedule that involves family and other matters that might appear current studies
C. The Gantt chart to be prepared is on a weekly basis from months of November 2016 to February of 2017.
D. Minimum personal checklist is 5.

3. Critique a sample evaluation tool for performance evaluation in the institution.

A. You are asked of two things in this domain: a sample evaluation tool and critique it.
B. Look and ask for a performance evaluation tool in the institution you were assigned in.
C. Look for a template on how to make a critique (include the reference).
D. At the end of the critique provide at least 3 recommendations on how it can be improved.
E. Critique and recommendations should not exceed 200 words.

Clinical Competencies

1. Strategic Planning

1.1. Identify the institutional short / long term goals. Critically analyze them with supportive evidences.
Operational plan for (Khoula Hospital in Oman)
A. You are asked of 3 things in this domain: identification of the institutional goals; classify these goals into short or long term; and analyze with supporting document.
B. Considerations and instructions to follow:
1. through proper channeling and communication gather all the institutional goals
2. classify into short term and long terms goals
C. Critically analyze the said goals through the use of relevant evidences.
D. Analysis should not exceed 300 words.

1.2. Critically analyze the operating policies and procedures and then develop strategic plans for the institution.

A. You are asked of 3 things in this domain: look for the institutional operating policies and procedures; critically analyze them; and develop a 3 year framework strategic plan for the institution.
B. Considerations and instructions to follow:
1. look for the institutional operating policies and procedures
2. critically analyze it; already have some notes or comments on the side while reading and analyzing it
3. find a template for preparing a strategic plan (include reference)
C. Prepare a 3 year strategic plan using the found template; a framework would do;
D. The 3 year framework strategic plan is based on the comments made on the operating policies and procedures of the institution.
E. Minimum of 3 recommendations are expected to be included as well in the strategic plan.
F. Analysis should not exceed 300 words.

1.3. Perform a situational analysis using 2 appropriate tool (SWOT and PESTEL). (Khoula Hospital in Oman

A. You are asked of 2 things: perform situational analysis using SWOT focus in legal or quality department; and PESTEL focus in (Khoula Hospital in Oman).

Change Management

3.1. Classify changes that took place in the institution in the last 5 years by evidences. And its significance to the growth of the institution.

A. You are asked of 2 things in this domain: changes in the last 5 years; and importance of change.
B. Considerations and instructions:
1. see, look and ask for the different changes that takes places in the institution
2. classify the changes
e.g. change/s in policies and procedures; change/s in administrative staff; change/s in physical set up of the hospital; and others
C. Provide an evidence/s of the said changes. Evidences could be in the form of the following:
1. picture (before and after)
2. memorandum
3. circular
4. revised policies and guidelines
5. others...
D. Make a 300 word narration of significance of changes in general and how it helped the institution in terms of growth.

3.2. Examine the capacity of the institution to implement new and innovative changes supported by evidences.

A. After an interview or discussion with pertinent authority in the institution in relation to changes examine their capability to implement change.
B. Name a minimum of 2 changes that the institution is trying to adopt and apply.
C. Examine their capability to implement change by means of comparing it to the standards on how to implement change.
D. The examination and comparison could be done in a tabular form.

3.3. Distinguish the leadership styles utilized within the institution and its impact on the quality of work.

A. You are asked of 2 things in this domain: leadership styles (transformational style in legal department + transaction style in quality department); and impact on quality of work
B. Considerations and instructions:
1. after conducting a thorough interview or during a usual conversation with the leaders and authority in the institution identify the leadership styles utilized
2. the leadership styles that are utilized can be validated through a usual conversation with the staff
C. The necessary interview and conversation including the impact of it in the quality of work can be presented in a tabular form

4. Influencing Others

4.1. Identify the communication skills for appropriate and inappropriate behaviors within the institution and how it influence others.

A. You are asked of 3 things in this domain: communication skills; appropriate and inappropriate behaviors; and how communication skills can influence others.
B. Considerations and instructions:
1. during interview or usual conversation with the leaders, managers or authority in the institution identify the communication skills that they have
2. on the other hand see, look and observe for the behavior of the staff; identify what are their appropriate and inappropriate behaviors
3. in a tabular form (communication skills of the leaders or managers; behavior of the staff; and communication skills that suits each behavior)
C. Write a narrative on how the communication skills of the leaders and managers can influence others especially the staff.
D. The narrative should not be more than 200 words.

5. Teaming and Shared Decision Making

5.1. Effectively participate in team activities or decision making within the institution through an evidence.

A. You are asked of 3 things in this domain: participate in team activities or decision making;evidences of participation; and inference on how to take part in team activities or decision making.
Focuse in staff development sections
B. Look, ask and choose for possible activities of the institution that you can join or participate. It could be an activity or decision making.
C. Volunteer self to participate.
D. Describe the level and extent of participation in less than a hundred words.
E. Gather all the necessary evidences of the participation that might include but not limited to the following:
1. pictures
2. certificates
3. invitations
4. objectives
5. others

Attachment:- Health Services Management.rar

Verified Expert

This assignment has concentrated on Khoula Hospital Oman. It has discussed about the policies and procedure of the organization. It has presented a strategic action plan for the organization for coming three years. It has discussed about the leadership skills that is being used in Khoula Hospital. Therefore it has conducted a swot and pestle analysis on the organization.

Reference no: EM131713499

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11/9/2017 2:32:21 AM

please read carefully the file attached and make solution according to guideline and requirments I have this assessment as practical training in (Khoula Hospital in Oman) Please look the competencies guidelines and requirments and make solutions Don’t forgit to write references and citations in evedence

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