Justification for utalizing database management system

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM13513095

What is the justification for utalizing database management system approach

Reference no: EM13513095

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Explain standard cubic meters of natural gas to produce : How many litres of ethyl mercaptan (C2H5SH ; liquid density = 0.8931 g/cm^3) should be added to 100,000 standard cubic meters of natural gas to produce a concentration in the gas of 1ppm
Find by what factor will the acceleration change : An object is accelerated by a force. If the force is increased by a factor of 3 and the mass is increased by a factor of 4, by what factor will the acceleration change
Understanding of humans and human evolution : How does Anthropology aid in our understanding of humans and human evolution. Within a summary can you touch base with genetics, biological classification, human variation, the living primates, and human paleontology.
Assume the role of an internal auditor : Assume the role of an internal auditor who has been asked to identify a minimum of threehigh quality propositions that management can implement to establish a tone at the top that conveys a commitment to integrity and ethical values.
Justification for utalizing database management system : What is the justification for utalizing database management system approach
Compute the frequency of the photon : A hydrogen atom emits a photon having an energy of 12.1 eV. What's the frequency of the photon
Evaluate the ph of a buffer made by dissolving h3po4 : Phosphate systems form essential buffers in organisms. Calculate the pH of a buffer made by dissolving 0.80mol of NaOH in 0.50L of 1.0M H3PO4.
How much work did arfeuille do on the object : In 1990 Walter Arfeuille of Belgium lifted a 281.5-kg object through a distance of 17.1 cm using only his teeth. How much work did Arfeuille do on the object
Dominant language for the foreseeable future : Contemporary research suggests that warnings about the decline of English in the United States are unwarranted and that English will most likely remain the overwhelmingly dominant language for the foreseeable future.


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