Journal written by anonymous individual

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Reference no: EM133380997


Suppose you picked up a journal written by an anonymous individual dated 1981. His work was unpublished, but you found that it was written in Manila, Philippines. The journal contained details and personal stories about the Martial Law Era in the Philippines. How do you criticize the authenticity and validity of the document? Be as detailed as you can.

Reference no: EM133380997

Questions Cloud

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Democratic principle of majority rule : How does a country based on the democratic principle of majority rule ensure that the civil rights of minorities are protected?
Journal written by anonymous individual : Suppose you picked up a journal written by an anonymous individual dated 1981. His work was unpublished, but you found that it was written in Manila,
Politics is distinct domain of human life with norms : Politics is a distinct domain of human life with norms, rules, and virtues that are different from those appropriate to other parts of life,
Role of government and ideas about public policy issues : Which political party best represents your view of the role of government and ideas about public policy issues?
Types of glass but they must be of equivalent quality : The contract also specified that the contractor was entitled to propose alternative types of glass but they must be of equivalent quality.
Discuss pros and cons of interest groups : Discuss the pros and cons of interest groups and campaign finance in American politics.


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