John whatever bro when eternal death slayer iii came out

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Reference no: EM13453276

1.David Cesarani would agree most with which of the following statements about freedom of expression? There is not a power relation that exists in cases of censorship and expression

  • We must determine whether speech should be protected on a case by case basis that focuses on the various factors in each case.
  • Those who are able to freely express themselves often do not have power in society.
  • Cases where women are degraded are examples in which speech should be protected
  • None of the above

2. Tariq Ramadan claims that European states do not need new laws.

  • True
  • False

3. Self-destructive man in the clip from Waking Life ends his life by shooting himself.

  • True
  • False

4. A straw man argument does the following:

  • Adequately represents an opposing position
  • Makes the opposite position appear absurd in order to more easily attack it
  • Is a tactic that is logically sound
  • Is a great method to use to win an argument
  • None of the above

5. Weasel words are used to logically support claims about the topic that is being discussed.

  • True
  • False

6. Tariq Ramadan claims which of the following about speech:

  • In the West, there is absolute freedom of speech
  • Racist speech is protected in Europe
  • European society is not changing
  • There is a difference between things that are legal and things that ought to be done
  • None of the above

7. According to David Cesarani, John Locke believed that all forms of speech must be open to freedom of expression.

  • True
  • False

8. Francesca Klug would agree most with which of the following claims:

  • Speech can be used in a repetitive fashion to create negative beliefs about specific groups of people.
  • Freedom of speech ought to be protected, even when it offends
  • The Islamic community had not right to get upset about the published cartoons
  • Only blatantly hateful forms of speech should be regulated
  • None of the above

9. Lisa Appignanesi claims that freedom of expression does not include the right to blaspheme against religion.

  • True
  • False

10. Alain Finkielkraut claims that the following are forms of expression that should not be free

  • Speech that distorts history
  • Speech that expresses hatred
  • Speech that demonizes a specific group
  • a and b
  • a and c

Reading Quiz

1. Socrates claims that these are the only options that one has when one has been given a punishment by one's society. (Points : 1) Abide by the punishment

  • Convince the laws to change
  • Escape when the judgments are unjust
  • a and b
  • b and c

2. Socrates claims that if he escapes Athens he will be verifying the claims that were made against him in court.

  • True
  • False

3. Socrates claims that if he chooses to leave Athens he will be consistently living out his claims that he made in his Apology.

  • True
  • False

 4. Socrates claims that it is never right to injure another human.

  • True
  • False

5. Socrates claims that one can only break a law that has been given unjustly.

  • True
  • False

6. Socrates claims that if he breaks Athenian law, this will happen after his death:

  • Riots as his followers will stir up trouble
  • He will question the great heroes of Greek history in his Socratic style
  • Crito and his friends will be seen to care more about money than their friend
  • The laws in Hades will convict him as well.
  • He will be obeying the laws as his parents.

7. Socrates claims that one should value the opinions of the majority.

  • True
  • False

8. What does Socrates claim will happen to his friends if he illegally escapes prison?

  • They will be killed
  • They will be seen to care more about money than Socrates' life
  • They will be forced to enter other lands as convicts
  • They will lose their property
  • All of the above

9. Which of the following would Socrates agree with?

  • One ought to listen to the opinions of friends.
  • One ought to listen to the opinions of experts
  • One ought to listen to the opinions of those who know the just
  • a and b
  • b and c

10. According to Socrates, principles of the body are higher than principles of the just.

  • True
  • False

Quiz 1

1. "Timothy was ten minutes late to the meeting this morning. I can tell he's going to be a horrible employee."  Shifting the burden of proof

  • Hasty Generalization
  • Line drawing fallacy
  • Appeal to force
  • No fallacy

2. Marcia: "I think Tiger Woods is the best golfer of our day."

Minji: "Gimme a break. Anybody who would cheat on his wife and family with hundreds of women is a monster."

  • Argument by force
  • Ad hominem
  • Peer pressure argument
  • Rationalizing
  • No Fallacy

3. "Michael Jordan wears Hanes, so they must be the best."

  • Argument by force
  • Ad hominem
  • Appeal to false authority
  • Rationalizing
  • No Fallacy

4. "Houses in the U.S. with storm cellars are more often hit by tornadoes, so you shouldn't get a storm cellar."

  • Post hoc
  • Argument from Outrage
  • Wishful Thinking
  • Rhetorical Definition
  • No fallacy

5. Jeff: "I think that it is sacrilegious to tell children that a bunny drops off eggs on Easter morning. This totally detracts from the true meaning of Easter."

Steve: "C'mon man! Everybody puts out eggs for their kids on Easter."

  • Relativist Fallacy
  • Subjectivist Fallacy
  • Red Herring
  • Argument from popularity
  • No Fallacy

6. "If we legalize gay marriage, the whole world will decay morally."

  • Appeal to emotion
  • Appeal to ignorance
  • Slippery Slope
  • Post Hoc
  • No fallacy

7. PTA Parent #1: "Should school kids say the Pledge of Allegiance before class? Certainly, why shouldn't they?"

  • Wishful thinking
  • Downplayer
  • Straw Man
  • Misplacing the Burden of Proof
  • No Fallacy

8. TV Preacher: "Just a $50 love gift per month is all it takes to live a life of economic health and prosperity. God will reward your generous donation with ten times more blessings in your own life if you donate to our ministry."

  • Appeal to Emotion
  • False Dilemma/Alternative
  • Appeal to Force
  • Equivocation
  • No Fallacy

9. "We should have prescription drug care - would you want your grandma to suffer?"

  • Appeal to emotion
  • Subjectivist Fallacy
  • Red Herring
  • Argument from popularity
  • No Fallacy

10. "That football team is great. Jim is on that team, so Jim is a great football player."

  • Two wrongs make a right
  • Fallacy of division
  • Rationalization
  • Peer Pressure
  • No Fallacy

11. Politician: "We either decide to keep the handgun laws in the city limits and maintain peace, or we revoke the laws and let the city become a modern day Wild West."

  • Straw Man
  • Hyperbole
  • Rhetorical Analogy
  • False Dilemma
  • No Fallacy

12. "The last two summers were record heat therefore global warming will soon kill us all.")

  • Hasty generalization
  • Scare Tactics
  • False Dilemma
  • Post hoc
  • No Fallacy

13. "If you don't pay attention in class you won't do well on the test. You didn't do well on the test, so you must not have paid attention in class."

  • Two wrongs make a right
  • Affirming the consequent
  • Rationalization
  • Peer Pressure
  • No Fallacy

Question 14. 14. Radio Announcer: "I'll tell you what, I am appalled that this new bill about the economy is even being looked at by Congress! The bureaucrats in Washington want us all to just sit around and forget about the fact that every day we are getting closer to losing this great nation. I think you'll agree with me that I don't want our nation to collapse because a bunch of sissies are worried about people who don't care about our country anyway!

  • Red Herring
  • Argument from Outrage
  • Wishful Thinking
  • Rhetorical Definition
  • No Fallacy

15. "If you are born in the U.S. then you are a U.S. citizen. You were not born in the U.S. so you are not a U.S. citizen."

  • Slippery Slope
  • Denying the antecedent
  • Post Hoc
  • False Dichotomy
  • No Fallacy

16. Sloan: "Dude you play way too many videogames."

John: "Whatever bro! When Eternal Death Slayer III came out you were waiting in line outside the store for four hours to be the first to get it.

  • Ad hominem
  • Scare Tactics
  • False Dilemma
  • Post hoc
  • No Fallacy

17. "Everyone likes ‘Friends' so it must be a good show."

  • Non sequitur
  • Ad Hominem
  • Appeal to popularity
  • Appeal to inadequate authority
  • No Fallacy

18. "You are only opposed to welfare reform because you are rich."

  • Appeal to emotion
  • Ad hominem
  • Slippery Slope
  • Equivocation
  • No fallacy

19. "If Brad Pitt's children go that elementary school, it must be the best school in Los Angeles."

  • Straw man
  • Subjectivist Fallacy
  • Appeal to false authority
  • Argument from Tradition
  • No Fallacy

20. "If I give this homeless person a dollar then I'll have to give the next guy a dollar and so forth ... I'll end up broke!"

  • Ad hominem
  • Slippery slope
  • Burden of Proof
  • False Dilemma
  • No Fallacy

Reference no: EM13453276

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