Joe lures leon up to the roof of building on some pretext

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Reference no: EM133682799


Assume Joe hates his boss, Leon. They both work in a sixty- story office building. Joe lures Leon up to the roof of the building on some pretext. With murderous intent Joe then pushes Leon off of the roof of the building. Leon falls thirty stories. As he passes a window on the twentieth floor a man called Howard is cleaning a gun. The gun accidentally goes off and the bullet flies out of the window. It hits Leon in the head as he falls past. Leon is killed by the gunshot and then hits the pavement. Under these facts what crime has Joe committed? (Assume all facts can be proved.) Reckless Assault Attempted Murder Negligent Homicide No crime at all since he is not responsible for the "actual" death of Leon.

Reference no: EM133682799

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