Jobs can be scheduled partially

Assignment Help Operating System
Reference no: EM13163378

Assume you have a scheduling problem with 10 customers. Customer i has value Vi, and requires processing time Ti.

The values of Vi and Ti are listed below as arrays:

V = { 6,   25,   4,   1,    7,    3,   12,   1,   1,    8 }

T = { 2,     5,   1,   4,     4,    9,     1,   5,   3, 16 }

Assume that jobs can be scheduled partially, so that a job of value Vi which requires time Ti will receive value, x Vi , if processed only for time, t = x Ti, for a fraction, 0 <= x <= 1.

(a)Find the maximum value which can be scheduled with total processing time

T = 30 units.

(b) Let T take on value T = 1,...,50 and V (T ) denote the maximum value which can be scheduled in processing time T . Plot V (T ) versus T. (Hint: You many want to write a simple program to give a table of V vs T.)

Reference no: EM13163378

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