Job satisfaction assessment

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Reference no: EM13205970

"Please take the job satisfaction assessment, which is found in this week's lecture, to learn more about what's important to you in an employer or career path. Then, follow this link to the listing of the top 100 employers, paying special attention to Google. After you've take the assessment and spent some time reading about the top employers, write a 250 to 300 word paper about:

1. What you have learned about yourself and what motivates you at work.
2. What types of benefits you would offer your employees if you were an employer seeking to maximize your employee productivity and job satisfaction. Explain your answer. " 

Reference no: EM13205970

Questions Cloud

League of nations'' investigation : In response to the League of Nations' investigation into Japan's invasion and occupation of Manchuria,
During world war I-thousands of blacks moved north : During World War I, thousands of blacks moved north because
Alphabetical agency : The ______ was an "alphabetical agency" set up under Hoover's administration to bring the government into the antidepression effort.
Administers a personality test : A researcher who administers a personality test to the same children every 3 years as they progress through school is conducting a(n) ________ study.
Job satisfaction assessment : Please take the job satisfaction assessment, which is found in this week's lecture, to learn more about what's important to you in an employer or career path.
Explain the different types of healthcare settings : Create a PowerPoint® presentation of at least 9 slides outlining the major functions that distinguish the following U.S. health care settings, with an appropriate introduction and conclusion:
Define organizational psychology : Define organizational psychology. Explain the role of research and statistics in organizational psychology. Describe how organizational psychology can be used in organizations
Inventory policy : A firm sells 32,000 bags of premium sugar per year. The cost per order is P200 and the firm experiences a carrying cost of P0.80 per bag.
Analyzing the positive and negative repercussions : Analyzing the positive and negative repercussions of GMA particular release, present your opinion as to whether the action is a step forward or a step backward in the battle against obesity.


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