Reference no: EM132747852 , Length: 2200 words
JNB512 International Trade - University of Tasmania
Question 1
This question builds on and completes your Market Entry Plan that you commenced during the semester. Please include a brief summary of Parts A and B of your Market Entry Plan assignment submissions. This should be included as an appendix and will be excluded from your exam word count.
Finalise your Market Entry Plan by addressing a) and b) and complete c) for reflection. Academic references are required to be incorporated into this response, to inform and support your recommendations and arguments.
a) How would your recommendation of the country and market entry option impact the firm in terms of its organisational structure, functions and processes, products and services, competencies and resources, and how should senior management address the impact?
b) What finance, pricing and payment options would you recommend for the firm? and why?
c) Reflecting on the Market Entry Plan research and preparation you have completed for your assignment submissions and Parts a and b above, explain how this process specifically has assisted you to develop an applied understanding of the strategic management of a global business.
Question 2
Manounya is a newly industrialised economy in Asia with a population of 80 million. In the last two decades, the country has successfully transformed its manufacturing industry from one mainly focusing on low value-adding consumer products to a high-tech based manufacturing industry providing high-end industrial and consumer products. The country has a large middle class population with an overall high level of education. Due to a very low birth rate in the last three decades, the population starts showing a sign of ageing. The Manounya Government has successfully maintained unemployment at a low level in the last 10 years.
Using the Manounya scenario and any assumptions that are deemed necessary and appropriate, discuss the opportunities for an Australian company specialised in developing and manufacturing medical equipment to expand its business to Manounya as part of its internationalisation strategy and the possible risks involved in such an endeavour.