JGR 300 Performing Under Pressure Assignment

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Reference no: EM133045227 , Length: word count:600

JGR 300 Performing Under Pressure - Strayer University

Activity - Organizational Change and Challenges

You will address changes and/or challenges recently faced by a company. For this activity, you may select an organization from the list below with linked articles, or you may select an organization of your choice. If you choose your own organization, you will need to locate an article to complete the activity.

- Nordstrom - article: Nordstrom Rises as Chain Avoids Department-Store Woes.
- Domino's - article: Domino's Bets on Agile and Voice.
- Lululemon - article: New Lululemon CEO Calvin McDonald Faces Two Giant Challenges: Fix Culture, Maintain Growth.
- United States Postal Service - article: Fear Grows Postal Pick Is Risk to Mail-In Vote.
- Any organization of your choice - article located by you.


For this activity:
1. Download the Formative Activity 3 - Organizational Change and Challenges Template and save it to your computer.
2. Follow the outline in the template to complete the activity.
3. Select an organization of your choice or from the list above and answer the questions in the template.
a. Describe the changes or challenges the company experienced.
b. Explain the changes that occurred, if they occurred.
i. Were they successful?
ii. Why or why not?
c. Explain the challenges that occurred, if they occurred.
i. How did the company overcome the challenges?
ii. What team or stakeholders were involved in addressing the challenge?
1. Were they successful?
2. Why or why not?
4. Identify two changes you would recommend for your selected organization.
a. Explain why you selected these changes.
b. Share how these changes would help the company.
5. Explain what you learned from the research. Is there anything you would have done differently?
a. Justify your response with resources from the course or other resources that are credible, relevant, and appropriate.
6. Save your document as FirstInitial_LastName_JGR300_FA3.
7. Submit your activity using the Week 8 activity link in Blackboard.

Course Connections
While completing this activity, be sure to connect your responses to the course content you have learned so far. You should use specific phrases, ideas, and quotes from the Strayer Story videos, Coach's Huddle, weekly readings, and/or discussion questions to explain and support your thoughts.

Develop an introduction to your paper and subject matter. Remember to include the purpose of the paper. The introduction explains the points that will be made in the paper.

• Attract attention with a hook.
• Write about the focus or topic.
• Include a thesis.

Create a Heading
Select an organization of your choice or from the list.
• Describe the changes or challenges the company experienced.
• Explain the changes that occurred, if they occurred.
o Were they successful?
o Why or why not?

Create a Heading
Explain the challenges that occurred, if they occurred.
• How did the company overcome the challenges?
• What team or stakeholders were involved in addressing the challenge?
o Were they successful?
o Why or why not?

Create a Heading
Identified two changes you would recommend for your selected organization.
• Explain why you selected these changes.
• Share how these changes would help the company.

Create a Heading
Explain what you learned from the research.Is there anything you would have done differently?Justify your response.
Summarize your findings.

Attachment:- Performing Under Pressure.rar

Reference no: EM133045227

Questions Cloud

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Why are personality assessments important for recruitment : Why are personality assessments important for recruitment. Explain
What is person-job and person-organization fit : What is person-job and person-organization fit? Why is it an important consideration in recruitment?
Considering leaving the organization : -What do you think a CEO or leader should do, prior to considering leaving the organization? What does the CEO or leader owe the employees? Why?
JGR 300 Performing Under Pressure Assignment : JGR 300 Performing Under Pressure Assignment Help and Solution, Strayer University - Assessment Writing Service
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Workforce cultural issues that women face in leadership : Workforce cultural issues that women face in leadership? The prejudiced they experience! How it's shapes an organization?
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People skills-productive counseling : Select two of the techniques described in Chapter 9 and one technique demonstrated in the video, People Skills: Productive Counseling, that reflect an experienc


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