Java test program

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM13165115

Write a Java test program, all your code should be in the main method, that determines what type of organization is indicated by a web address. Your program should allow the user to enter a web address. It should check the last few characters of the address and print a message indicating the type of organization. For instance, if the web address ends with .com, your program should print the message Business.

Your code should check for the follow address types:


Feel free to add other address types.

This program should not use a loop. You can write the code with if..else statements.

Hint: check out the endsWith() method of the String class.

Suggested Pseudocode

declare a String vairable for user input

get a web address (URL) from the user

if user input ends with .com

display "Business" message


if user input ends with .net

display "Network" message


if ... // you need to test for each possible case. The if..else if..else structure will exit once you get a match

Reference no: EM13165115

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